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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Spencer)



                Spencer put the picture back down and ran her fingers through her hair as she realized that tomorrow was the anniversary of the tragic accident, and she knew that her schedule for the day would go a lot like it had the year before. She would wake up, shower, get dressed, buy flowers, and visit the cemetery where her son was buried. She would talk to him for hours, and then sit there contemplating the whereabouts of her wife. She had half expected the brunette to be there last year, to talk to her son, but she had stayed away. Spencer visited Tate’s grave often, and every time she would ask the caretaker whether or not he had ever seen a young brunette come by to visit the grave, but the answer always remained in the negative.



    She remembered the day it happened, how nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She had gone to work, said goodbye to her family, and then arrived at the office on time. Then around 10:45 am, she received the phone call. It was Ashley, and the tone in her voice was one which she had never heard come from the brunette, and it shocked her to her core. She was wailing, and although she couldn’t understand the words that were coming from her wife, she had intuitively picked up on what happened. Tate. There couldn’t be any other reason as to why the other woman was so clearly devastated, and Spencer’s blood ran cold. She had tried to get Ashley to breathe, to calm down, although why, she couldn’t say. The phone was handed to someone else, presumably a nurse, and Spencer was given the location of the hospital. She rushed out of her office, not bothering to tell anyone where she was headed, but the look on her face prevented anyone from stopping her. She made it to the hospital in record time, and when she got there, she didn’t even have to ask where Ashley was. She could hear the cries of desperation loud and clear, and followed them until she reached the other woman. She placed her hand on the brunette’s shoulder, and the shorter woman turned around and immediately clung to the blonde. No words needed to be spoken, Ashley’s anguish was evident, and it could only mean the loss of their child. Together they fell to the ground holding onto each other for dear life as they allowed the sobs to wrack their bodies.



    The blonde sighed as she looked around the house one more time. Everything was eerily quiet, and she longed for the joyous sounds of a family. But that was in the past, and she felt doubtful that there would be a family in the future. She had no way of knowing where Ashley was or if she was still alive due to all the drugs. And Spencer knew she could never have a family with anyone else. She silently trudged up the stairs, stopped by the room filled with things a three, almost four year old would love, eyed the room for a few minutes, and then headed into her room for a restless night of sleep.

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