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    Completely Incomplete – (Chapter: 11)

    Having fallen asleep sometime between the 3rd and 4th time Ashley’s phone went to voicemail, I awoke the next morning to the sound of my own phone ringing. I jumped, thinking it might be her, but then remembered the 3 hour time difference and figured she would never be up this early. I was right.

    “Hey Michelle,” I said upon answering the phone.

    “Hi,” she said briskly. “Listen, I’m leaving for the airport in a few hours and I need to talk to you. In person.”

    “Um… okay…”

    “So I’m coming over. I’m on my way actually.”

    “You’re what?”

    “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” And with that, she hung up. I shot up and ran to the bathroom to at least make myself presentable. The doorbell rang while I was still in my sweatpants, so I decided to just leave them on. I didn’t really need to impress her. I opened the door and she walked right in, as if she owned the place.

    “Hey,” she greeted.

    “Uh… hi.” She looked around a little, as if she were inspecting it.

    “I like your apartment.”

    “Thanks,” I replied. “So… what’s up?”

    “What happened with Ashley?” Well that was to the point.

    “Nothing,” I lied.

    “Come on, Spencer. Don’t pull this right now. Ashley called me at 3 in the morning, practically in tears because you hung up on her.”

    “I tried to call her back, but she turned off her phone.” Wait, she was in tears?

    “So you didn’t mean to hang up?” she asked.

    “Well… I did.”


    “Because,” I said as I took a seat on my couch.


    “Because she started talking about things that I didn’t feel comfortable talking about.”

    “Like what?”

    “I don’t know. Stuff about our past… and how she missed it. She said she thinks about us a lot,” I explained. “And I guess that just freaked me out.”

    “Because you think about it too?” she asked. God, she didn’t miss anything, did she?

    “Maybe.” Michelle sighed and took a seat on an adjacent chair. “I’m just… so… confused. I mean, first of all, we haven’t talked in forever. And now all of a sudden we’re talking again, and she starts saying she misses us together and, like, she wishes things happened differently…”

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    1. aaah, she’s not the CIA. That’s what YOU think Aiden. she really is the CIA, and Spencer is actually a Mafia drug lord now. Hence living in the meat packing district. I have no idea how those two go together but IN MY HEAD THEY DO. Ok, I’ve run away with this and it’s probably not good. *Hands story back to kozmic with a sheepish grin*. Maaan, I love this story. AS much as Grow old with me. Not more, not less, but as much. You pack some punch woman.

    2. aaah, she’s not the CIA. That’s what YOU think Aiden. she really is the CIA, and Spencer is actually a Mafia drug lord now. Hence living in the meat packing district. I have no idea how those two go together but IN MY HEAD THEY DO. Ok, I’ve run away with this and it’s probably not good. *Hands story back to kozmic with a sheepish grin*. Maaan, I love this story. AS much as Grow old with me. Not more, not less, but as much. You pack some punch woman.

    3. Memo to all: If you’re interested in teleporting to Ashley’s arrival next week I have plenty of room in my time machine. Move quickly people – we don’t want to miss anything good. Kozmic you’re, quite simply, kicking ass with your writing. Hook us up with a new chapter when you can

    4. Memo to all: If you’re interested in teleporting to Ashley’s arrival next week I have plenty of room in my time machine. Move quickly people – we don’t want to miss anything good. Kozmic you’re, quite simply, kicking ass with your writing. Hook us up with a new chapter when you can

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