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    Complicated. – (Chapter: 11)



    Early Monday morning, around 2 a.m., after cramming hard for a test, Corey was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, getting ready for bed, when she heard two loud thumps in the hallway followed by cursing and soft giggling. She quickly rinsed her mouth and toothbrush before poking her head out of the bathroom door to inspect what was happening outside.

    A very drunk Ashley was on the floor, trying to quiet the girl that was standing over her by shushing her.

    “Uh, hi.” A curious smile formed on Corey’s lips as she eyed the pair. “What’s going on?”

    Ashley’s friend twirled around and stopped giggling long enough to say, “Sorry. I think I got your roommate a little drunk.”

    Corey looked down at Ashley. She was making an attempt to stand on her own but having a very hard time at it. “A little?” the blond questioned, stepping forward, giving her roommate a hand. She slipped her arms under Ashley’s and pulled up, lifting the brunette to her feet. After getting Ashley in a standing position propped up against the wall, Corey turned, facing the woman Ashley had brung home with her. With the only source of light coming from the bathroom, she wasn’t able to see the woman clearly, but she could tell that she was blond and had on a short, slinky dress, with the spaghetti straps hanging off her shoulders. “Hey, uh, I think I got it from here. You can go now.”

    “No, I got it,” the woman said, smirking. “I didn’t come here just to drop her off, if you know what I mean.”

    “She’s completely wasted. Look at her.” Corey motioned toward Ashley, who had her head down, hair covering her face. She started to lean too far to the left and began sliding down the wall. Corey quickly grabbed hold of her, steadying her, then glanced back at the blond. “I don’t think she’s going to be much… fun tonight.”

    Annoyed and disappointed, the woman looked Corey up and down. “Well, what about you?” She smirked and moved behind Corey, placing her mouth up to Corey’s ear. She whispered, “Are you up for some fun?”

    Corey cleared her throat. “Sorry, uh, no. I’m not interested. At all.” She pulled Ashley away from the wall and put one of the brunette’s arms over her shoulders. “I’m going to get her to bed. You remember where the door is, right?”

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    1. Oh doodle. You have no idea how much my heart jumped up in my throat, did a little dance, kicked my trachea, and then settled back down when I realised you’d posted. I missed this story. You’re making Corey so freakin’ likeable. Thats ok, means when she realises that spence and ash are meant for each other she’ll do the honourable thing and step aside. Then she’ll take jenna, shoot Topher in the kneecap, and drive to Albequerque (sp?). That will be a glorious day. In summary, THANK YOU, I love this fic. It’s so well written it just pulls ya in you know. You should post more often. If only in the knowledge that you’re making a small part of Australia very, very, very happy.

    2. Great chapter. You can blame ashely for not being happy for spencer. She wants spencer back. Poor corey i do like her and hope she doesnt get hurt. She seems nice. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    3. I’m so happy to see you posted so soon. Soon for you. I love this story. I thought it was funny how Ashley pretended to be dead weight to get rid of the crazy girl. I think Corey is sweet but, I don’t like her with spencer so, when are we gonna see her heart get stomped? Huh? Because I’m ready for some Spashley love.

    4. Oh doodle. You have no idea how much my heart jumped up in my throat, did a little dance, kicked my trachea, and then settled back down when I realised you’d posted. I missed this story. You’re making Corey so freakin’ likeable. Thats ok, means when she realises that spence and ash are meant for each other she’ll do the honourable thing and step aside. Then she’ll take jenna, shoot Topher in the kneecap, and drive to Albequerque (sp?). That will be a glorious day. In summary, THANK YOU, I love this fic. It’s so well written it just pulls ya in you know. You should post more often. If only in the knowledge that you’re making a small part of Australia very, very, very happy.

    5. Great chapter. You can blame ashely for not being happy for spencer. She wants spencer back. Poor corey i do like her and hope she doesnt get hurt. She seems nice. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    6. I’m so happy to see you posted so soon. Soon for you. I love this story. I thought it was funny how Ashley pretended to be dead weight to get rid of the crazy girl. I think Corey is sweet but, I don’t like her with spencer so, when are we gonna see her heart get stomped? Huh? Because I’m ready for some Spashley love.

    7. I just poked into the site, and lo and behold, I found meself a treasure!! I get all giddy when I see your posts. Honestly, I squeal inside like an excited grade-schooler! Very mature. But that’s because I love your fic so damn much! And I am so waiting for some Spashley goodness!!! I’ve been almost dying here waiting, but I’m hoping you’ll give us something to savour! And really, thanks for writing such an awesome fan-worthy fan-readable story. You’re among the best here!

    8. I just poked into the site, and lo and behold, I found meself a treasure!! I get all giddy when I see your posts. Honestly, I squeal inside like an excited grade-schooler! Very mature. But that’s because I love your fic so damn much! And I am so waiting for some Spashley goodness!!! I’ve been almost dying here waiting, but I’m hoping you’ll give us something to savour! And really, thanks for writing such an awesome fan-worthy fan-readable story. You’re among the best here!

    9. Yes, I, too, love love love love this story. It’s quite wonderful in an amazing variety of ways. ::sigh:: And, yes, Corey is so damn likeable that the inevitable is almost painful. Oy. Didn’t expect such a rough history for old Topher, though. He reminded me of my buddy Ian until you got to the meth part and now I feel bad unconsciously picturing Topher as Ian. Oh well. Anyways, love the story and the slow pacing and development of the characters. It’s LOVERLY!

    10. Yes, I, too, love love love love this story. It’s quite wonderful in an amazing variety of ways. ::sigh:: And, yes, Corey is so damn likeable that the inevitable is almost painful. Oy. Didn’t expect such a rough history for old Topher, though. He reminded me of my buddy Ian until you got to the meth part and now I feel bad unconsciously picturing Topher as Ian. Oh well. Anyways, love the story and the slow pacing and development of the characters. It’s LOVERLY!

    11. LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! Absolutely LOVE!!! I was so happy to see that you posted. My heart aches for Corey knowing that she is about to be crushed…but spashley is unbreakable. They MUST be together. I kind of think her and Jen should hook up. Anways, I’ll let you do the writing because you’re the mastermind and your writing is AMAZING! PMS! Loved it!

    12. LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! Absolutely LOVE!!! I was so happy to see that you posted. My heart aches for Corey knowing that she is about to be crushed…but spashley is unbreakable. They MUST be together. I kind of think her and Jen should hook up. Anways, I’ll let you do the writing because you’re the mastermind and your writing is AMAZING! PMS! Loved it!

    13. doodle…everytime i check in for updates I look for your name….and when i see i do a happy dance! This story is so emotionally involving. I can’t wait to read the spashley chapter! Post more soon!

    14. doodle…everytime i check in for updates I look for your name….and when i see i do a happy dance! This story is so emotionally involving. I can’t wait to read the spashley chapter! Post more soon!

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