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    Complicated. – (Chapter: 13b)

    “Dammit, Jenna,” he whined, as his arms flew up in the air. “Come on!”

    “No,” she pressed, standing her ground, arms folded tightly across her chest.

    After a brief staring contest and a muttered ‘fuck, whatever’, the light-haired man stumbled out of the living room and disappeared behind the brick wall, where Jenna’s bedroom was located. The door was slammed closed behind him.

    Ashley’s lips tugged into stiff smile. “Wow. I feel all warm and fuzzy after that. The love just radiates off you two.”

    Jenna glared at her roommate. “I’m not really in the mood for your sarcasm right now.”

    “So, no sarcasm or orgasms for you tonight. Got it.” Ashley’s smile turned playful, while Jenna’s serious expression melted, replaced with a light chuckle and an eye roll. Ashley threw her purse aside and motioned toward the staircase. “Roof?”

    “Yes, please,” the redhead answered, snatching her sash up from the chair, where she had tossed it after entering the apartment. “After being clogged up with cigarette smoke for the past three hours, I think my lungs would prefer we take our talk up there.”

    – – –

    Outside, on the rooftop, Ashley draped the upper part of her body over the waist-high protective barrier that surrounded the entire roof, getting a better view of the world behind the apartment building. Her eyes darted to a flickering lamppost on the street corner below. She stared at it, hypnotically.

    “So,” Jenna said, adjusting her sash, covering up everything her shoulderless top didn’t.

    “So,” the darker-haired one repeated, “what’s up?”

    With her head tilted back, looking up at the dark sky, Jenna pressed her backside against the ledge. “Nothing. What’s up with you?” she asked, with her head falling to the side, in Ashley’s direction. “And don’t say ‘nothing’. You’re not getting away with that.”

    Ashley’s brow crinkled. “Why are you allowed to get away with it?”


    Brown eyes shifted to the right, taking in the petite hairstylist. “Because? That’s all you’re giving me?”

    “Because I’m the one who came home at one a.m. and found my roommate sitting alone in the dark – probably thinking about whatever it is that’s bothering you.” Jenna pushed away from the brick barrier and turned around, getting into a similar position as her roommate. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”

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    1. shes still in love with spencer. so obvious. shes just scared. she’ll be scared…until spencer admits that she’s still in love with ashley too. its so obvious. jenna was right when she said spencer was “the one” for ashley. because she IS “the one”. the one that shes madly in love with. the one shes meant to be with. END of story haha. excellent update!!

    2. *sigh*…you know you totally make my day when you update this story. Ashley is SO still in love with Spencer. Now the question is how do we get Spencer to admit she is still in love with Ashley? Too bad Corey is such a likeable character. Excellent update! PMS!

    3. spencer definitely fuckin tops ashley’s list. so obvious! otherwise she wouldn’t be in this mess! i love this story so much, it pulls at me from all sorts of directions and i can never wait for more…

    4. shes still in love with spencer. so obvious. shes just scared. she’ll be scared…until spencer admits that she’s still in love with ashley too. its so obvious. jenna was right when she said spencer was “the one” for ashley. because she IS “the one”. the one that shes madly in love with. the one shes meant to be with. END of story haha. excellent update!!

    5. *sigh*…you know you totally make my day when you update this story. Ashley is SO still in love with Spencer. Now the question is how do we get Spencer to admit she is still in love with Ashley? Too bad Corey is such a likeable character. Excellent update! PMS!

    6. spencer definitely fuckin tops ashley’s list. so obvious! otherwise she wouldn’t be in this mess! i love this story so much, it pulls at me from all sorts of directions and i can never wait for more…

    7. doodle, she writes like gasoline, doodle, her smut is never clean, doodle, I missed her story, but now she’s made it all better again (I’m singing it to some thing tune, don’t know what it’s called… the one that goes; Hitler, has only gone one ball, the other, is in the albert hall… etc…)

    8. doodle, she writes like gasoline, doodle, her smut is never clean, doodle, I missed her story, but now she’s made it all better again (I’m singing it to some thing tune, don’t know what it’s called… the one that goes; Hitler, has only gone one ball, the other, is in the albert hall… etc…)

    9. Thanks for the update. It’s about time! I honestly forget stories and the title after it’s not posted in a while but, I jumped for joy when I saw that you updated. I love regular updates but, I don’t complain because I wish I could write a good fic. I know this has to be time consuming so, thanks for sharing for story. PMS please :)

    10. Thanks for the update. It’s about time! I honestly forget stories and the title after it’s not posted in a while but, I jumped for joy when I saw that you updated. I love regular updates but, I don’t complain because I wish I could write a good fic. I know this has to be time consuming so, thanks for sharing for story. PMS please :)

    11. FINALLY!!!!! I’m sorry, was I yelling? I didn’t mean to. Well, maybe I did. I was just voicing my feelings. And thank you doodle for promising not to dangle any more carrots in front of our poor noses. Seriously, you were driving me completely crazy there! But you know, everytime you update, it always puts a smile on my face and I’m always so anxious to read what you have next. And I swear, sometimes, I don’t know if Spashley will EVER get together!! lol You are really drawing out the anticipation. Seriously, it’s sky high for me right now. I swear, it’s gonna be fireworks when they hook up!! But thanks for keeping at it because I really do look forward to it all the time. =D

    12. FINALLY!!!!! I’m sorry, was I yelling? I didn’t mean to. Well, maybe I did. I was just voicing my feelings. And thank you doodle for promising not to dangle any more carrots in front of our poor noses. Seriously, you were driving me completely crazy there! But you know, everytime you update, it always puts a smile on my face and I’m always so anxious to read what you have next. And I swear, sometimes, I don’t know if Spashley will EVER get together!! lol You are really drawing out the anticipation. Seriously, it’s sky high for me right now. I swear, it’s gonna be fireworks when they hook up!! But thanks for keeping at it because I really do look forward to it all the time. =D

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