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    Control Freak – (Chapter: Introduction)

    Control Freak

    Chapter – Introduction




    She was lucky. God, she was so fucking lucky. Somehow she always managed to slip up at the best times and in the best environments. For example tonight the rain would wash away the blood and any evidence that she was ever there. Morning would come, a call would be made, and this case like all the others would end up locked away in some cold case cabinet.



    She gave it one hell of a shot. An entire three weeks without a simple mistake. But once again she stands there eyes to the ground as the angry red droplets drip down her forearm following an invisible path to her fingertips and eventually dripping down to join their owner. Of course the union would never be quite the same. The blood would never flow through those veins again. They’d have to settle for becoming nothing more than a puddle on her still chest…



    Still even in what I would consider a time to rejoice this wasn’t a good time for her. In all the time I’ve studied her I’ve only been able to detect a single weakness. She can’t handle her failures. Once she commits to doing something… or in this case to not doing something she has to stick to it, and if she doesn’t well you can’t imagine the turmoil her mind goes through.



    We’ve been here before. I know what happens next. By dawn she’ll be stoned… and no not by the weak tiresome buzz most enjoy from good ol’ maryjane, nope in just a few short hours she’ll be in her home drowning herself in pain killers.



    That’s where we differ. Me I can kill and not think twice about it. It’s different with her… She was raised Christian it’s her morals that keep her from reaching her full potential. The morals she’s still trying to convince herself she has.



    Just as I had suspected tiny drops of water begin to fall around me.



    I think she enjoys this part the most.



    In what seems like an instant the light drizzle of rain turns into a full blown storm. I keep my eyes and the lens focused on her, thankful that I had decided to encase my equipment in waterproof protection.

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