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    Control Freak – (Chapter: You Lose Control when you hold too tight)

    "What happened to my life? Why’d everything have to go to shit?"

    It’s hard for me to understand if she’s just playing games because it’s her brother or if she really doesn’t know why everything changed.

    "I don’t think I can keep this up much longer.”

    Silently I contemplate her words. What does she mean by that? Suicide? I quickly shake those thoughts from my mind. Knowing she’d never go through with it.

    "Look, I know you’re still dealing with everything that happened with Mom but you can’t give up. You need to find a way to occupy your time. Stop being so dependent on your trust fund. Go back to school, get another job, hell hit the club scene. Find someone to spend some time with."

    After a long pause she responds.

    "You know what I’m having a bad day. I just need to get some sleep. Call you tomorrow?"

    "Yeah, sure. Love you."

    "You too."

    I hear one end of the receiver hang up, but I know it’s not her end. You see, she knows I’m on the line. Knows I’ve found a way to become a part of every aspect of her life. That would scare most normal people, but her, she loves it. It turns her on.

    I can hear her breathing, and I’m sure she can hear me as well. It’s moments like these that make me wonder what would happen if I were to speak out. Although I’ve considered it I know it’ll never happen. Words are complicated. Watching and listening is easy.

    Finally she hangs up her end of the receiver, and I swear I feel my insides get a little colder.


    The club is crowded. Too crowded if you ask me. I don’t think I’ll ever understand why people come to places like these. It’s hot, the lights are giving me a fucking headache, and I can’t seem to find a way around this oversized orgy.

    For a brief moment I consider the possibility of leaving the club. In the same moment I decide against it. Knowing that if I were to leave now anything could happen to her. She could be raped and murdered and I wouldn’t have a clue as to who did it and where to find them. Goosebumps shoot down my arms as I continue to make my way around the dancing idiots in search of her.

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    1. First of all i just wanted to say that i LOVE copeland. I love the story also. I like where its going. Your doing a great job. PMS soon, thanks!

    2. its very confusing and it needs some explaining but I think you may have a good story here. Unfortunately I don’t know if it will be much good because there is still so much that needs explaining. I don’t even know the main characters names. I’m assuming Spencer is the killer and Ashley is the person with the camera but I honestly don’t know and you need to explain things. If we don’t even know the main characters how the heck are we supposed to understand the plot.

    3. the person watching over her, i assume ash is watching and spence is killing but i can be wrong, but the person needs to restrain her, keep her under control or at least her killer side lol

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