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    Dance Off!! – (Chapter: Who is better? A.D. or S.C?)

                “I’m back, bitches!!!” Ashley exclaimed while she opened up the door to the huge townhouse located in Manhattan.

                “Oh, wow…. Welcome back, sis!” said Kylie hugging her fraternal twin. Ashley hugged her sister back.

                “Where is the good ole’ father and mother?” asked Ashley sitting down in the room where the Christmas tree was located at.

                “Vacationing in the Bahamas until January. Dad said ‘a day in hell will freeze over when Ashley would come back home.’ I take it that hell froze over. Ash, you have been gone for like two and half years. Where exactly were you?” asked a curious Kylie now sitting down by Ashley who was looking at the Christmas tree.

                “I was…. I had to leave, Ky. Dad and Mom sent me to military school in Virginia. Now being 18 and a senior in school, I think I have matured enough into doing better. It has been awhile since I lasted acted an ass. Well maybe last week before I slept with my major in R.O.T.C.,” said Ashley laughing getting hit with a pillow by Kylie.

                “You ass! Mom and Dad told me that you had run away because you had run up their credit card. Those douche bags!” said Kylie who was pulling her brown hair up in a high pony tail.


                Ashley got up slowly, “So since I am like back for the second semester of school which we both will be graduating soon, is school still the same?”

                “Let’s see,” pondered Kylie for a brief moment, “Aiden and Madison have a one year old. I am seeing Chelsea whom I left this basketball jock, Glen Carlin, for. Oh yeah, The Carlins. They moved from L.A. to go old Manhattan due to their mom being some big time surgeon in the nation. Their dad works as a stock broker. There is Glen whose is 18 like us. Clay is the adoptive kid who is 18, too. He is like so smart. There is Spencer who is 17. She’s a senior with us. She skipped up a grade; she’s smart like Clay. She’s my best friend.”


                Ashley was still shocked because her sister was seeing a girl, “So you’re a lesbian now?”

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