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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 3)


                                                      July 5, 1888

    I lay there on the ground bleeding to death. Thinking my time has come. I will soon see the light and be on my way to heaven. I will see my sister and mother again. I lay there in pain. They took my innocents from me and then stabbed me in the heart. I then see a lady with red hair come up to me looking down at me. Her teeth are long and look sharp. I looked away scared to look at them.

    " Do you want to be immortal? "

    I look at her feeling her powers rubbing against my skin. I grab my chest feeling very tired. I coughed out blood.

    " Re… re… Revenge. "

    I coughed out to her. I feel her smile at me putting her hand on my cheek.

    " Do you want to be like me my child? "

    She ask me while rubbing my cheek. Getting blood on her hand.

    " Like what? "

    She laugh at my silliness, before showing me her teeth again.

    " Immortal. "

    She said to me moving my head so she can look at my neck. I swallow down some blood.

    " Yesss. "

    I hiss at her. She smiled at me taking my neck into her mouth. I let out a loud cry in pain as her teeth sink into my neck. I feel her sucking the rest of my life out of me. Just when I thought I was out. She gave me a small bloody smile.

    " It’s okay my child. All will be well soon. "

    She said as she cuts her neck with her finger nail. She grabs my neck and brought me to her neck were it is bleeding out.

    " Drink my child. "

    She said as I drank the blood from her neck quickly feeling the power with in me grow. I pull back feeling pain in my heart. I let out another cry in pain before laying back down on the ground. Holding my chest. She kissed me on my forehead telling me I will be fine soon. She holds me like my mother used to do. Today is the day my life change for ever.

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