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    Dear Diary. – (Chapter: October 4- October 7, 2005.)


    October 4, 2005.


    Dear Diary:

    The past couple of days have been… Pure bliss. Spencer Carlin is completely perfect. I have no idea how I managed to nab this girl, but heaven and hell know: I will NEVER give her up.

    She is so strong, Diary. So bold, so ready. Like, take yesterday.

    "Hey babe!" She came up to me at the picnic table outside during lunch. Kissing my cheek, she smiled and greeted Aiden, too.


    "Hey sexy," I replied, pulling into her for more than a kiss on the cheek. And she went along with it, infront of everyone at school. That easily! I didn’t expect her to be so open about us at first, I honestly figured it would take time. But it didn’t, and that’s one thing that makes me love her even more. We got pretty into the at-first-simple kiss.


    "Ahem…"Aiden cleared his throat. Leave it to good ol’ Aidey-boy to ruin it.


    "Boys. They always wreck the perfect moments." I rolled my eyes and Spencer smiled, planting a soft, fast (way too fast if you ask me), kiss on my lips, and then unfolded her lunch from her brown paper bag.


    "Mmm, I love these brownies!" I commented through a mouth full of the delicious treats. The blonde haired beauty smiled at me, and I smiled back, loving every way the sun exposed her natural gorgeousness.


    "So what’re you ladies up to this weekend?" He wiggled his eyebrows. Typical conversation starter from Aiden. God, he is such a stupid boy.


    "Well, I was hoping maybe I would get lucky enough to spend some time with the pretty girl next to me…" I smirked as Spencer started to blush, my charm obviously taking effect on her.


    "I was going to say the same thing," She smirked back, gaining confidence, and started tracing small circles on my thigh from under the table.

    Tickled and becoming flushed, I shivered, hoping it went unnoticed by the two. It did from Aiden, of course. But Spence saw it, and I blushed harder as an even bigger look of confidence struck her emotions.

    Diary, this girl is so hot.


    October 6, 2005.

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