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    Decoy – (Chapter: Don’t Look So Blue)

    WARNING: This is a VIOLENT fic. It deals with physical abuse. Don’t like it, don’t read it… you’ve been warned! 



    You feel powerless and week in his presence.



    Close your eyes and make believe

    This is where you wanna be





    "It’s not a hard concept to understand!" He says a large hand slaps down against the linoleum counter in time with his shout.




    You keep your mouth closed, eyes downcast. You know better than to talk back to him at a time like this. This is a critical time, whatever you do in the next thirty seconds determines how the rest of your night will play out.




    So you do what you do best. Keep silent and cower in the corner of the white tiled kitchen. Silently praying to God. Praying for him to cut you a break… yet again.




    Another booming shout comes so unexpectedly that you make your first mistake.




    "SPENCER!" Blue eyes shoot up, staring into his own. They dart back to the floor just as quickly as they shot upwards. But you know from the sick chuckle that leaves his throat your chance for leniency is gone. That half second you spent looking into his eyes did you in. Making contact without his permission in his book is the highest form of disrespect.




    Forgetting all the memories





    "How many times do I have to tell you Spencer?" He questions, an overly large hand shoots out, grasping your small fragile wrist in a painfully tight grip.




    "What? Are you fucking retarded?" He jerks your body forward so quickly that you lose your balance. And for a few seconds he’s dragging you along, pulling you across the harshly cold floor.




    And even in this state. Where fear is making your heart pound faster than it should your mind is on her. The girl. She can’t see you like this.




    You barely manage to scramble to your feet before he’s pulling you out of the kitchen. Past the alcoholic brother, but more importantly past the brown eyed girl.

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    1. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    2. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    3. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    4. come on spencer…are you crazy…go back to ash…ASHLEY, run after her…don’t let her go back in or the next time you see her will be in a body bag…awesome post..pms

    5. oh hell no! spencer how could you?!?! Please don’t make this a one-shot. it’s too brilliant to be one! and please post the remaining chapters of Practice. you told me to ask so…

    6. okay no way you can leave this as a one shot and i agree with snowdrop, go after her ash even if she protests drag her ass out of there or the next time she’s dead…pms

    7. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

    8. OMG that was intense! Aiden must die! Very interesting storyline. Great job! I love your writing and would also love it if you could post the remaining chapters of “The Practice”, I miss it!

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