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    Decoy – (Chapter: The Beginning of the End)

    "Okay, but remember to park a few houses down. My dad doesn’t want me going out tonight." I pull at the small silver handle, successfully popping the lock open.

    "No problem, girl." I smile down at Madison one last time before grabbing my bag, and giving her one last wave.

    I open the door to my modest two story house. Since I’m always the first person home I’m a bit surprised to hear noise coming from the kitchen. "Hello?" I question as I drop my bag and keys by the door.

    "In here honey!"

    Hearing my mother’s voice makes me smile. It’s been an awful long time since she’s been able to get home before nine. With her swinging shifts at the hospital and taking her criminal justice class at the local community college during the night, she’s been pretty swamped.

    "Mom!" I say as I wrap my arms around her neck in a suffocating hug. It’s not long before I notice the tall black haired boy leaning over our kitchen counter. My mother pulls away from me. Probably from the sudden lack of enthusiasm. A confused look spreads across her face at my sudden lack of interest in her. When she realizes who I’m staring at she lets out a small laugh.

    "Oh, how silly of me! Aiden this is my daughter Spencer, Spencer this is Stacy’s son Aiden."

    The boy suddenly snaps to life. Slowly but surely he shuffles over to me and offers his hand. With a fake smile plastered over my face I take his hand in mine. The scent of whatever cheap cologne he’s wearing makes it extremely difficult to keep the fake smile from faltering.

    "You know he goes to the church right around the block from ours." My mother cuts in. The sound of my mothers voice is enough to get him to take a few steps away from me… For that I am truly thankful for.

    "Really?" Is my unenthused reply. He simply nods his head, and gives me a knowing look. You know the look that passes through teenagers when an adult is putting you in an awkward situation. For some reason that look actually puts him on my good side. That look is enough for me to get past his body odor… and the small bangs that fall over his forehead.

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