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    Decoy – (Chapter: The Beginning of the End)

    After a few more shared looks between Aiden and I, my mother escorts him out of the kitchen and down the hall to our fully furnished living room. Since we live in an extremely quiet neighborhood I don’t even have to strain to hear what’s being said. I don’t find my mother explaining how to use the remote at all intresting, so within seconds their conversation is blocked out.

    In a matter of minutes my mother is back in the kitchen standing at my side, a knowing look covers her features. "So?" I stare back at her blankly, knowing what she’s asking, but refusing to answer.

    "So what?" She lets out a sigh and shakes her head. While placing a hand on my shoulder she speaks.

    "So what do you think about him?" My head drifts back until it hits the front of our stainless steel refrigerator.

    "He’s cute…" Before I have a chance to say anything else my mother is pulling me into a fierce hug.

    "I’m glad you think so. Now you can take him to whatever party you and Madison are sneaking off to tonight."

    "How did-"

    She places a finger over my lips. "I’m your mother, I know everything."



    And at that time she really did. It’s crazy to think about but at some point my mother knew me better than myself. Probably due to the fact that she spent every moment of the first ten years of my life pretty much attached to my hip.

    Then at some point that just… changed.

    We were always more like best friends. I could tell her anything, and whenever her and dad were arguing she always felt safe confiding in me. Things all went downhill in our relationship during the middle of my sophomore year. And that first night with Aiden is what started it all.




    Madison gives me an unsure look. To which I give a small smile. This seems to calm her nerves a little. "I’ll be right back Spence, you want a water?" I smile while nodding. She looks Aiden up and down a few times. Probably trying to memorize what he’s wearing just in case she has to describe him to the police.

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