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    Decoy – (Chapter: The Beginning of the End)

    You see that’s the thing about Madison. She’ll hook up with random guys at party, and not think twice about her safety. But if I ever tried to wander off with some oversized jock she’d try and pull me out of the house by my hair. "I’ll be right back." She says as she gives Aiden one of the meanest glares I’ve ever seen her give before spinning around and making her way across the teenage filled room, all the while keeping her eyes glued on Aiden’s figure.

    When she’s out of ear shot Aiden leans down and speaks into my ear. "She doesn’t like me very much does she?" I simply laugh at his question not really wanting to answer it… can you say awkward?

    The night passes in a bit of a blur. At some point Aiden’s cologne becomes bearable, and I begin to dance with him. His hands are all over my body, and to be honest I don’t really mind. After all we’re just dancing, and it’s not going to go beyond that… Apparently Madison doesn’t see it that way because before long she’s standing by my side trying to pull me out of the party.

    "Spence let’s get outta here. This party’s weak." Although I’m not to fond of the setting I’m actually having a good time dancing with Aiden so I try to decline as politely as possible.

    "In a little Mads I still wanna dance." The boy behind me takes this as his cue to let his hands glide up my skirt. This sets Madison off.

    "Hey you pervert keep your hands where I can see them." He simply ignores the fiery latina and continues to let his hands wander further up. The naturally tanned girl reaches out and catches my wrist in hers, successfully pulling me away from Aiden. In point two seconds Aiden has a firm grip on both of her wrists, and has her pinned against the nearest wall. "She said she wants to dance!" I shout at the taller boy. Screaming at him to let her go. When I reach out and massage his shoulder blade, he let’s her go.

    "Spencer he’s crazy!" He laughs and tries to dance with me again. Needless to say my entire mood has been killed by his actions and I attempt to pull away from him.When he continues try and dance with me against my will I turn in his arms and shout, "Let go!" Asserting myself in such a strong tone that he actually released me.



    Looking back on things like that now kinda makes me wonder. The boy obviously had control issues and yet I was completely oblivious to it. Madison saw it from the get go. Why couldn’t I? Why didn’t that night make me stay away from him? The simple answer to that is… my mother. She loved Aiden. So much that there were times that I actually thought about suggesting that she marry him.

    And now here I am years later. Most days I can barely relate my past life to my present. It hardly ever seems like I came from a good home. Most days I just want to give up… But I won’t. because somewhere deep inside myself I’m still the strong, independent Spencer Carlin. I mean it would probably take years to reach that person, but it’s there. That girl will never disappear completely.

    I often wonder why this had to be the outcome of my life. But maybe that’s how life works. Maybe you have to go through the trials and errors to get to the good…

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