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    Don’t Cry Out. – (Chapter: 5. Transition stage.)

                She pulled away slowly, but firmly, trying to hint that now was not the time, though she was not unwilling for it later. But she was. It was more a matter of needing to get away, but not wanting Aiden to worry about it. He stopped, and she could feel his quizzical, confused look burning into the side of her face. She turned to that she could see a bit of him in her peripheral vision; a blurred, distant version of him. Spencer liked this version much better.

                “I’m gonna go take a jog.” She whispered a little hoarsely, then cleared her throat. “Okay?”

                She didn’t see him frown, but guessed he had. “Not going to stay in bed with me?”

                She smiled slightly. “I’m sorry,” She wasn’t. “I can’t.” She could if she’d wanted to. “I’ll go jog for a bit, and then I’ll be back to take a shower. I just need to wake myself up a little.”

                Lies. Lies, lies, lies. She only felt half-guilty when she lied to Aiden; she didn’t love him like he thought she did, and she suspected that he didn’t really love her, either. But he bought it. He bought it, she got dressed, and she jogged.

                Once around the corner, the blonde slowed to a less-than-brisk walk, wanting to savor the time alone. Her thoughts drifted to Aiden, but not in the admiring way that most girls tend to think of their boyfriends. Instead, she simply wondered about him; wondered why they stayed together, wondered why he kept her around.

                Spencer slipped her hands into her pockets as she walked. Was she using Aiden? The thought swam around in her head, refusing to let anything unrelated resurface. Maybe she was. She didn’t love him, she knew. She wasn’t attracted to him. But she couldn’t figure out what she would be using him for, either. Or why she would feel the need to.


    1. oooh back story! I likadebakstory! All one new word for you. I like the socks too :) I sympathise with socks, much like Spencer. I have so many single sock pairs. I just wear odd socks. I wrote a whole song about odd socks. It was fun. Anyway, sock musings aside, I’m still hiding out with the cookies in teh nuclear bomb shelter because the fall out from the emily lie is going to threaten humanity I reckon. She’s just so in love, i hope Ash can understand that. I hope. Man oh man. I hope. Do I ever… I’m hoping a lot here. Anyway, it’s getting lonely in this bomb shelter so if you want to make with some more chapters, you’re welcome to join me for cookies. I invited goober… don’t know if she’ll come.

    2. i never even thought of the whole revolution thing…but it makes perfect sense! i believe you’ve just solved one of life’s greatest mysteries. i always figured they were all piled up on some island in the pacific or something…anyways. great post, as always. but a party with glen? doesn’t sounds promising. unless . . . ashley will be there? haha. we can always hope.

    3. oh man i totally love your inanimate objects life story. it’s totally funny but it also make weird sense. only you can do it so perfectly. sorry bout the emotional stuff on my last comment. i’ve since calm down and will give ash another chance to redeem herself. which she must!! and soon too!! and save spence from all this misery cos it’s making me cry. update ASAP!! :D

    4. Lets get the party started so Spencer can have some fun and hold her head up. She paid way too much attetion to her socks so, she needs to get out, meet some hot girls, make Ashley jealous and play some more mind games. I don’t think Spencer is wrong for lying to Ashley. Ashley treated her like shit and ruined her first experience with a girl. Spencer doesn’t owe her anything. I think she’s acting werid though, lol. I want to see her with more confidence. Maybe Ashley can help Emily. And then Emily can knock some sense into Spencer and then Spencer will come around. See what your doing? See how confusing that sounds? Post more soon please. Loved this chapter….I figured Aiden was bad in bed, too.

    5. Ha. Socks. I don’t know if you know this but I hate socks, but I guess as long as you’re describing what they’re feeling and not what they look like, that’s ok. This was an awesome post. You are now my absolute best friend! But don’t feel the need to say the same thing to me. My wanting friends seems to send people running from me. Don’t feel like I’m pressuring you to be my friend. I’ll just call you my friend, ok? Ok! Also…this is the best line ever. EVER. The best line I have EVER HEARD: “Aiden had sex the way he pumped gas into his car: uncap, insert, unload, and pull out.” My God, you are amazing. So AmAzInG! How did you get this fucking good at writing? My LORD! …and normally I don’t curse to such extreme degrees or use Caps that often. Feel Special. Caps are my own unique way of showing love or affection. :) XOXOXO LOOOOOOOOOOVE!

    6. awe, that was a sad chapter. But really good. And it was totally worth the no-coma-wait. Id much rather have more chapters like these, and more risk of a coma, then smaller chapters, cha.

    7. oooh back story! I likadebakstory! All one new word for you. I like the socks too :) I sympathise with socks, much like Spencer. I have so many single sock pairs. I just wear odd socks. I wrote a whole song about odd socks. It was fun. Anyway, sock musings aside, I’m still hiding out with the cookies in teh nuclear bomb shelter because the fall out from the emily lie is going to threaten humanity I reckon. She’s just so in love, i hope Ash can understand that. I hope. Man oh man. I hope. Do I ever… I’m hoping a lot here. Anyway, it’s getting lonely in this bomb shelter so if you want to make with some more chapters, you’re welcome to join me for cookies. I invited goober… don’t know if she’ll come.

    8. i never even thought of the whole revolution thing…but it makes perfect sense! i believe you’ve just solved one of life’s greatest mysteries. i always figured they were all piled up on some island in the pacific or something…anyways. great post, as always. but a party with glen? doesn’t sounds promising. unless . . . ashley will be there? haha. we can always hope.

    9. oh man i totally love your inanimate objects life story. it’s totally funny but it also make weird sense. only you can do it so perfectly. sorry bout the emotional stuff on my last comment. i’ve since calm down and will give ash another chance to redeem herself. which she must!! and soon too!! and save spence from all this misery cos it’s making me cry. update ASAP!! :D

    10. Lets get the party started so Spencer can have some fun and hold her head up. She paid way too much attetion to her socks so, she needs to get out, meet some hot girls, make Ashley jealous and play some more mind games. I don’t think Spencer is wrong for lying to Ashley. Ashley treated her like shit and ruined her first experience with a girl. Spencer doesn’t owe her anything. I think she’s acting werid though, lol. I want to see her with more confidence. Maybe Ashley can help Emily. And then Emily can knock some sense into Spencer and then Spencer will come around. See what your doing? See how confusing that sounds? Post more soon please. Loved this chapter….I figured Aiden was bad in bed, too.

    11. Ha. Socks. I don’t know if you know this but I hate socks, but I guess as long as you’re describing what they’re feeling and not what they look like, that’s ok. This was an awesome post. You are now my absolute best friend! But don’t feel the need to say the same thing to me. My wanting friends seems to send people running from me. Don’t feel like I’m pressuring you to be my friend. I’ll just call you my friend, ok? Ok! Also…this is the best line ever. EVER. The best line I have EVER HEARD: “Aiden had sex the way he pumped gas into his car: uncap, insert, unload, and pull out.” My God, you are amazing. So AmAzInG! How did you get this fucking good at writing? My LORD! …and normally I don’t curse to such extreme degrees or use Caps that often. Feel Special. Caps are my own unique way of showing love or affection. :) XOXOXO LOOOOOOOOOOVE!

    12. awe, that was a sad chapter. But really good. And it was totally worth the no-coma-wait. Id much rather have more chapters like these, and more risk of a coma, then smaller chapters, cha.

    13. oooo… those scenes with aiden in the bed made me ill. it’s things like that which make me thankful i’m gay… except girls can be gross too in the morning i guess. i’m sorry to discuss this here! your story is perfect, giving us past and present throughout it, i love how its got a very steady time line but we get bits and pieces. and your personal touch gives this story the flavor its got, a darker sad story i feel because of spencers turmoil. i suck with comments, i apologize, but thank you for your update! and the comment responses! very nice. :)

    14. oooo… those scenes with aiden in the bed made me ill. it’s things like that which make me thankful i’m gay… except girls can be gross too in the morning i guess. i’m sorry to discuss this here! your story is perfect, giving us past and present throughout it, i love how its got a very steady time line but we get bits and pieces. and your personal touch gives this story the flavor its got, a darker sad story i feel because of spencers turmoil. i suck with comments, i apologize, but thank you for your update! and the comment responses! very nice. :)

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