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    Don’t Cry Out. – (Chapter: 7. Pancakes.)

    Spencer had never imagined she’d be reduced to something like comparing pancakes to sex.

    Not that it was a particularly bad thing. It was a way to pass the time, a thought strain to fill the void as she flipped pancakes and pressed them into the pan lightly. The smell that came from them was, unfortunately, less than intoxicating. She was no good at the whole ‘cooking’ thing, and she admitted it openly…as long as it got someone else to do it. However, to her misfortune, she was, once again, the only one home, and thus was forced to make her own damned pancakes.

    She sighed, not sure how long she had to wait until the pancake was supposedly cooked all the way through. She frowned at her own inexperience, or cluelessness, or stupidity, or whatever part of her it was that made her unable to properly cook pancakes, or any other food. She’d burned salad once, tripping on the rug and sending the contents of the bowl flying out onto the hot stove. She wouldn’t have been surprised if she someday burned water, too.

    Still, the comparison of cooking pancakes to making love made her giggle. Unfortunately, the giggling caused her to flip a half-cooked pancake out of the pan and onto the floor (uncooked side down, of course), but, still. The point was, she’d giggled, proving that the thought was at least an amusing one and not something boring and stupid, like the temperature difference between the anus and the vagina. Which, she happened to know, was four degrees.

    Although, she wasn’t sure exactly how she knew; she just did.

    Back to the pancakes, the connection between the two was simple; with pancakes, one side was cooked. Then, the pancake was flipped over, and the other side was cooked. As far as sex went, one person had their share. Then, the pair flipped, and the other one had their fun. It was odd to think of her nonstick-surface pan as a pancake orgy house, but it just made her giggle all the more. And, of course, drop more pancakes.

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    1. ah poor spencer, can hardly feed herself. but that’s probably why i loved this update so: i can relate. i myself just recently managed to screw up microwaving ravioli. i think i must tell you this everytime (at least i think it everytime), but your writing is absolutely beautiful. i bet you could write about belly button lint and still make it interesting. now i’m going to go order some chinese, i’m starving :)

    2. ah poor spencer, can hardly feed herself. but that’s probably why i loved this update so: i can relate. i myself just recently managed to screw up microwaving ravioli. i think i must tell you this everytime (at least i think it everytime), but your writing is absolutely beautiful. i bet you could write about belly button lint and still make it interesting. now i’m going to go order some chinese, i’m starving :)

    3. Wow… You know this fallout shelter concept has slipped into someone elses post line too. Funny that. Anyway, you and me and the big bag o’ love will have a whale of a time. I want some Jim’s chinese now….

    4. Wow… You know this fallout shelter concept has slipped into someone elses post line too. Funny that. Anyway, you and me and the big bag o’ love will have a whale of a time. I want some Jim’s chinese now….

    5. and there was me thinking you’d had Ashey give Spencer the wrong number! Love it muchly, and therefore can’t wait to read more, whenever that will be! I can’t exactly moan at you, cos I’m the world’s worst at updating. Ah well :-D Jx

    6. and there was me thinking you’d had Ashey give Spencer the wrong number! Love it muchly, and therefore can’t wait to read more, whenever that will be! I can’t exactly moan at you, cos I’m the world’s worst at updating. Ah well :-D Jx

    7. Oh how I love this story and confused, lonely, even more dorktastic than normal Spencer. Though I was taken aback a bit by the lack of office supply innuendo. I mean, the post it notes were right there and asking for it. Poor Spence must’ve really been out of it not to be dwelling on the love life of her desk contents.

    8. Oh how I love this story and confused, lonely, even more dorktastic than normal Spencer. Though I was taken aback a bit by the lack of office supply innuendo. I mean, the post it notes were right there and asking for it. Poor Spence must’ve really been out of it not to be dwelling on the love life of her desk contents.

    9. sweet! an update! thank you thank you. who the hell was that other girl working? goodness. chinese always makes me feel better tho, at least she’s a smart one!

    10. sweet! an update! thank you thank you. who the hell was that other girl working? goodness. chinese always makes me feel better tho, at least she’s a smart one!

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