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    Equinox – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    Chapter 6

    As she pulled the bike in front of the manor Faith’s stomach began a little dance inside her. Her heart pounded with excitement, her hands began to lightly shake as the nerves built up at the thought of seeing Lara.

    As she dismounted images of their exploits earlier that afternoon sent shivers running through her spine, warmth spread through her aching her for Lara’s touch. She waited for the feeling to subside before approaching the door.

    “Faith, Miss Croft is expecting you?”


    “She is still sleeping.”

    “That’s ok I know a great way to wake her.” Faith pushed passed him and headed upstairs.

    Hillary shouted something after her, even with her slayer hearing, and the immense space in the manor she didn’t hear him. She paused outside Lara’s door taking in a deep breath and steadying her nerves. She knocked and waited for a reply, knocking again, still no reply she quietly opened the door. Lara lay sleeping soundly in her bed; from what Faith could see of her she was naked. The sight made her ache even more, closing the door quietly as she could she undressed and climbed into the bed next to her. Spooning herself in close from behind Lara.

    Lara stirred slightly “Faith?” she whispered.


    Lara shuffled herself back into Faith; reaching to find the slayers arm to wrap around her “You came back.”

    “You asked me too”

    “Mmm” Lara tilted her head down and kissed the slayers hand gently.

    “You miss me then” Faith kept her voice at a low whisper

    “Yes” Lara turned to face her blinking the sleep from her head.

    “I could do with another of those workouts…” Faith grinned devilishly.

    “What time is it?”

    “Seven Fifteen”

    “Did you get any sleep?”

    “I had an hour or so.”

    Lara pulled Faith in close kissing her on the tip of her nose “You might have to wait a few minutes while I wake properly”

    Faith returned the kiss and snuggled herself down. They lay together silently holding one another listening to the beating of their hearts, Drifting into sleep.


    Faith woke up; rolling over searching for Lara, sitting upright and wiping the sleep from her eyes she scanned the room. Just about to get up and search the rest of the house for her the door kicked open. In walked Lara with a tray of goodies in one hand and two cups of steaming hot coffee in the other.

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    1. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

    2. Thanks to all taking the time to read this fic. I have finished it which is good news, the bad news is my writing style has changed and i now dont like the chapters that ive wrote. so i am currently in the process of re-editing and re-writing some of them before i post them. Im sorry if you are waiting for updates i promise i wont be too much longer.

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