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    Escaping The Dark – (Chapter: Hiding The True Me)


                There is a lot to be said about the phrase “in the closet.” I find it intriguing actually. In a way, despite its cliché, that simple line is a way to define the exact essence of my life. We all hide a part of ourselves from everyone else. Each day we live in fear of the world’s judgment and in turn create walls that will shun light away from that which we do not want exposed, molding ourselves into how we wish to be perceived and surviving for one more day. And in this aspect, I too am that type of person; however, there is a larger part of me that the world doesn’t know. I was never ignorant growing up. I lived in a town of very opinionated people. It was a place where prejudice was clearly written across their scorching eyes. For this reason I simultaneously discovered myself, and learned to protect it. I keep myself safe within the shadows, crouched in the darkest corner where no one will see me. Only half of me steps out into the world each day, the part I know no one will question. The other ghost of me stays buried, stuffed under whatever it can find, while my façade smiles to those who claim to know me.


                Change is frightful. There is nothing worse than my earlier position here in the center of something completely new: a new class, in my new school, full of new people, coming from a new neighborhood, where I live in a new house after moving to a brand new state. At that moment, I was seriously doubting the possibility of me ever making a new friend. Every single person that I walked passed either ignored me, yelled at me, or was too self-involved to even notice my existence. Therefore I sat in my new class, clueless and frightened of what was to come. I don’t know how my brothers do this. One can immediately find the few who live on his IQ level, and the other says one word and is instantly popular. I must be doing something wrong. However, right then, I could only sit and try to keep up as the day whizzed by me.

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    1. Holy Cow! I was a fan of your other story, Thursdays, but I am a (not so) secret lover of this. I’m absolutely amazed by it. O lord. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hooked this fast before. Seriously. You need to update soon. I love it. =] Woooooot!!!!! And btw, you are a genius writer. The way you described Spencer’s life using a cliche like “in the closet” was amazing. When I was reading that first sentence I was wondering where you were going with the whole story but now it’s clear that this is headed somewhere great. Wow… This is astonishingly real to the world we live in. I can totally relate. There are days that I feel like Spencer feels now and this just put those days into words for me. I’m your faithful fan forever. Plus the way you started the story was cool. I’m always a sucker for the stories that let Ashley and Spencer have another first meeting in high school. Wheeeee! I’m so high right now, but off of this story. (I don’t take drugs; they inhibit my criticing ability.) Love it.

    2. Holy Cow! I was a fan of your other story, Thursdays, but I am a (not so) secret lover of this. I’m absolutely amazed by it. O lord. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hooked this fast before. Seriously. You need to update soon. I love it. =] Woooooot!!!!! And btw, you are a genius writer. The way you described Spencer’s life using a cliche like “in the closet” was amazing. When I was reading that first sentence I was wondering where you were going with the whole story but now it’s clear that this is headed somewhere great. Wow… This is astonishingly real to the world we live in. I can totally relate. There are days that I feel like Spencer feels now and this just put those days into words for me. I’m your faithful fan forever. Plus the way you started the story was cool. I’m always a sucker for the stories that let Ashley and Spencer have another first meeting in high school. Wheeeee! I’m so high right now, but off of this story. (I don’t take drugs; they inhibit my criticing ability.) Love it.

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