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    Ever the Same – (Chapter: Ch. 1: Into the Morning)

    She leads me by the hand into her room. We stop right by the door as she leans on the couch behind her. We’re left staring into each other’s eyes for a few short moments. My heart is racing as she brings up her hand and caresses my face. Her eyes are burning into my own, and it’s almost too much.

    This is it, I guess. After all these months, the looks and subtle touches, it’s finally going to happen. She threads her fingers into my hair, and we begin to inch closer. I swallow hard when we’re only centimeters away. The conversation we had before we got here comes back to mind. “Because I want you…”

    She wants me, and I want her, too. I want her bad, and I don’t care if it’s wrong or however people categorize it.

    Then it happens: our lips collide and I feel a surge of…well, a surge of something that’s for sure. Her lips are moving gracefully, and I’m left nearly motionless in a stupor as my hand lays stupidly on her upper arm.

    I’m left feeling a pang of loss as she slowly pulls away. I open my eyes and see her brown orbs staring into mine, again. I let out a breath, and we lean our foreheads together for a moment.

    She pulls away and grabs for my hand leading me to her bed. Her bed? Oh boy…

    She sits down on the edge, and I follow suit and do the same. Here we are, again, staring into each other’s eyes. Something in her eyes is reassuring, though. As if they were saying “Don’t worry, it’s okay.” I silently agree.

    This is just like the concept of L.A. itself. We’ve only got a few moments to catch our breath; then we have to head back into the madness. She puts her hand on my cheek, and brings herself closer, again.

    I’ll say what I’ve said before…

    Our lips touch, once more, and she gently pushes me back and lies on top of me.

    …Let’s hit the madness.


    Spencer gasped as she sat up, holding her chest. She tried evening out her breath as she brought her hand up to her forehead. She was in a slight cold sweat.

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    1. Now this was the type of second season I was looking for…This is great…*kicks legs up in the air like Mary Katherine Gallagher* I love it I love it I love it….sorry I probably just made everyone go “is she on crack?”…anyways I really enjoyed this…so PMS :)

    2. Now this was the type of second season I was looking for…This is great…*kicks legs up in the air like Mary Katherine Gallagher* I love it I love it I love it….sorry I probably just made everyone go “is she on crack?”…anyways I really enjoyed this…so PMS :)

    3. i like this second season already hopefully more kissing n makingout is involved bc on da second season spashley only kissed like 8 or 9 times i counted he he…. yeah well keep up da great work

    4. i like this second season already hopefully more kissing n makingout is involved bc on da second season spashley only kissed like 8 or 9 times i counted he he…. yeah well keep up da great work

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