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    Everthing is just a carefully constructed lie Part 2

    Ashley awoke  to a strong smell of disinfectant. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself lying in the middle in a small white room.

    Every part of her body ached, she felt as though had smacked her over the head with a very large blunt object and her throat burned,not to mention that the strip lights above her seemed to blind her even when she had her eyes closed.

    She gave a small croaky sigh and slowly lay back down.

    "so Ms.davies" a loud voice  boomed around her,startling her.

    "seems you took an overdose of prescription medication.Luckily your friend,a Mr.Dennison found you in time"

    Ashely gave a painful grunt and tried to sit up while opening her eyes, to find the source of the voice was a tall man,middle aged, wearing riduculously thick glasses while reading off a clipboard.

    "no Ms davies, you have to rest. we have managed to remove the substances from your system and with plenty of rest and no more stupid stunts….you should be fine".

    He began to walk away before quickly stopping in his tracks and turning to face ashley." By the way Ms.Davies, you have a visitor"he stated before continuing on his way.

    Ashley heard the door to the room slowly open and footsteps come to a stop beside her bed.

    "hey Aiden" she hoarsley stated with a weak smile, still with her eyes closed.

    "Hello Ashley"

    It wasn’t aiden’s voice.

    She tentativley opened her eyes to find ocean blue ones staring back at her.




    1. Wow i was so excited to see you have updated. I love your story. I`m your biggest fan. So what happen to spencer? Getting very interesting. I cant wait to see what is going to happen next. PMS

    2. Wow i was so excited to see you have updated. I love your story. I`m your biggest fan. So what happen to spencer? Getting very interesting. I cant wait to see what is going to happen next. PMS

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