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               SPENCERS POV

       what the hell am i doing here,i dont even know her she is kinda cute though.

       ”hey spence you came now maybe you can finally help us get through a pratice without sucking”.jeremy throws a drumstick at her head ”hey we dont suck you do,and we still have to hear that new song”.ash laughs and rubs her head ”shut up man u hurt my feelings why are u like that hahaha”spencer doesnt really get the jokes but laughs anyway”whats the name of your band ,oh we are heavy until tuesday .frank laughs and says i know it sounds gaytarted but it was ash’s idea cuz you know how lesbos think”god can we play the effin song now  heteros .

     ”i have i have you breathin down my neck breathin down my neck

    i dont know,dont know what you could possibly expect under this condition so 

    i’ll wait i’ll wait for the ambulance to come ambulance to come pick us up off the floor slow down this nights a perfect shade of

    dark blue dark have you ever been alone in a crowded room when i’m herewith you

    i said the world could be burning til theres nothing but dark blue,dark blue

    this flood this flood is slowly rising up swallowing the ground beneath ny feet

    tell me how anyone thinks in this condition so i’ll swim i’ll swim as the water rises up

    sun is sinking down now all i can see are all the planets in a row suggesin it’s best that i slow down

    this night’s a perfect shade of dark blue,dark blue have you ever been alone in a crowded room when i’m here with you”

    ”thats all i got so far but um suggestions are welcome.  it was good great awesome but i really have to get home. Jeremy gets up and grabs ashleys hand and leads her out of the room.

    J; walk her home dummy

    A’what why she’s can do it herself

    J; dude you’ll have alone time with her without jockstrap

    A;oh right dude your smart



    s; so are you dating anyone

    a;no one right now looking for love more than anything

    s;dont you want something besides that not everyone finds love

    a; well im not going to settle if thats what you mean i want real love not something fake

    s;oh well so everyone who doesnt have that is settling

    a; bascially yeah if ur lucky enough to find someone you love who loves you back it’s a gift so cherish it


    a; spence you okay


    they hear the thunder before they know rain makes them huddle beneath the neihbors porch,how close they are until their arms brush

    ashley moves a strand of spencers hair and gently carreses her cheek spencer leans forward for the softest yet romatic kiss she has ever had.

    s; i should get inside my house

    a; oh sorry wrong house huh

    s;yeah god i thought it never rained in l.a

    a; you have been watching way to much of the o.c here take my hoodie

      after and akward silence

    s; i really like you we should hang out

    a; maybe a date or something

    s; the kiss was nice and so was the song but i’m not like this

    a; like what soencer a dyke a lesbo

    s;i dont know i’m really confused right now

    a; i know

    s; no! you dont know what it’s like to have a family who are’nt so accepting

    a; fine you know what fuck you and that lie of a kiss

    will they make …. who knows hahah cliffhanger



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