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    EVERYONE LOVES A SKATER – (Chapter: she is)

    ” god damnit, i can’t open a fucking locker let alone keep a girlfriend. spencer says to noone is

    paticular. ashley walks beside her. ” umm hey”. ahsley says as she fiddles with her The clash tee shirt.

    ” look ash do you want something right now, i’m really busy and i can’t get this stupid fucking locker open. spencer states in a very pissed off tone of voice.

    ” look me and madison have something a few years ago okay, it’s nothing compaed to how i feel about you. please come by if you wanna talk.

    ashley replies and she pounds spencers locker making it pop open.

    later at ashley’s house

    ahsley sits on her bed with her guitar playing american woman

    ”don’t come hanging around my door ,don’t wanna see your face no more

    i don’t need your machines i don’t need your ghetto scenes

    colored lights can hypnotize sparkles someone else’s eye’s.

    spencer knocks lightly on the door

    ” can you spare a second

    ” for you yes” ashley says sweetly

    ” ash i just think i need time to adjust to everything so maybe we can take a break

    spencer is this because of aiden” ashley say’s loudly

    ” no god just because you don’t like him doesnt mean i can’t

    fine you know what i’m sorry okay i was horrible before i met you”

    look spence i like you thats the first time i’ve said that and atually meant it we’r playing at gray tonight please come”

    that night at gray

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