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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Ashley Davies, THE ASHLEY DAVIES?!)

                It had only been two weeks since her breakup with Samantha and still Ashley felt hollow. She had sat in her dorm room brooding and planning, trying anything to win the love of her life back. Everything had been going so well, they had been together for more than a year and there had been the inevitable promises to stay together even though collegiate distance separated them. Ashley had not been at school for more than two days when Sam called and asked for it to be over; asked like she needed permission not to love her anymore. Now it had been two weeks and she was rapidly becoming the queen of anti social boring land. The brunette barely ever left her room and the only time she ever saw people was when she actually made it to class. After everything that had happened with Aiden she thought that she could never feel that heartbroken again but like so many times before she was wrong. So now here she was, staring at her reflection in the large bathroom mirror. She hadn’t even needed to go to college. After all, she had a trust fund that could knock a sizable dent into any fortune but she wanted the experience that the world renowned music program would give her. Ashley didn’t want to make it just because her father had been famous when he was alive. She wanted to make it because she was talented and to be talented you had to have experience, thus her reason for coming to the University. She put the finishing touches on her makeup and stood back to examine her appearance.


                Okay, today you are going to get out there and have fun. It’s your day off and you are Ashley Fucking Davies for Christ’s sake. You are going to make some new friends, you are not going to mope about losing old ones and you are definitely not staying in your room all day, she thought to herself silently as she turned to leave the bathroom. Outside she could hear other girls all getting ready for the day being chatty and she prepared to face the world as the new yet charming and adorable new girl all the way from California. Here goes nothing.

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