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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: It started with a bang!)

                Ashley gawked at Spencer as she entered her room. Confused as to why Spencer was there she began to ask her a question but Spencer silenced her with a finger to Ashley’s luscious lips. Startled Ashley looked into Spencer’s deep blue eyes. She swept a piece of Spencer’s hair away from her face as their faces inched closer and closer together. Spencer glanced down quickly at Ashley’s lips and closed the gap between them, kissing Ashley softly.



    Waves of pleasure rolled over Ashley’s body and she brought her hands up to Spencer’s face to deepen the kiss. Spencer put her hands on Ashley’s toned stomach sliding her fingers under her shirt causing goosebumps to rise all over her suddenly very hot body. The brunette ran her tongue along Spencer’s lower lip nibbling as she went, finally Spencer parted her full lips and their tongues slowly massaged each other in a slow seductive rhythm. Ashley groaned as Spencer left a trail of kisses on her jaw line and moved on to her neck gently biting and running her tongue against Ashley’s pulse point. Spencer’s hands moved slowly down Ashley’s body as if she were taking in every part of her. Suddenly she snaked her hands up under her shirt and lifted it above her head quickly. Ashley stood there shirtless and surprised for a minute but just then the blonde pushed her against the bed sliding her knee in between her thighs brushing against Ashley’s pussy causing her to moan in desire and pleasure. Spencer kissed her stomach running her tongue along the waistband of Ashley’s shorts and by this time she was writhing on the bed trying to keep her senses under control. Off in the distance she heard a shriek, and she was immediately transported back into reality with the shriek of her alarm.




    Oh fucking shit, that was just a dream. Damn  Dream! I wonder if I have time to go back to sleep and finish that, she thought to herself. Turning to look at the alarm she began to freak out as she noticed it had been going off for quite some time. She had thirty minutes to shower and get ready and anyone that knew her knew it could take hours. Finishing the dream would have to wait. Twenty minutes later she had thrown on a surprisingly cute outfit and was running out of her door trying to make it to class on time.

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    1. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

    2. shut. UP! oh dear god this will never turn out good. well..hopefully it goes well for spence and ash haha..but its fricken high school! ashley dated aiden..they broke up. then aiden dated spencer. GUH! AIDEN! LEAVE THEM ALONE LOL!i love this story already! keep up the great work and update soon!

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