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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: Never Ever)

    As Ashley helped Spencer set the table for dinner, she felt the tension in the room rising. It had just been a simple observation but it had led to so many questions. Spencer wanted to know if she kissed better or worse, what was it that was different and why Ashley would even say something like that. The brunette pushed a stray curl out of her face and sighed. Spencer hadn’t said a word and was busy checking on the pasta for the thousandth time. Ashley watched her for a moment, admiring just how beautiful she was. Spencer was beautiful in an effortless way, it was in the way she moved and the way she talked. Those blue eyes looked her way and caught her staring. Ashley smiled sheepishly and laid down the next fork looking away quickly.








    She felt arms wrap around her waist a minute later and smelled the spicy scent that was Spencer. Ashley smiled as she leaned back into Spencer’s embrace and grinned even wider when Spencer placed a light kiss on her cheek. She loved that Spencer could make her feel like they were the only two people in the world.









    “I’m sorry,” she said quietly into Ashley’s ear. “I overreacted and that was dumb.”









    “It’s okay, I dunno, everything seems different to me. But trust me, you’re still good. Really good,” Ashley said turning around into Spencer’s arms burying her head into her neck. All of a sudden Aiden burst through the front door. His hair was disheveled and he had a wrinkled t-shirt on but he wore a bright smile.









    “Wow, Spence, it smells amazing in here. Lookin good crash! Look, I was going to ask if it was okay if you guys could set an extra place at the table tonight. I kind of asked Kyla to join us for dinner, but I can take her out if you’d rather Ash.” He looked so cute standing there with his bottom lip out and the house smelled so inviting that Ashley couldn’t find it in herself to say no. She went and grabbed another plate, throwing it onto the table and excusing herself back to Spencer’s room. A few seconds later a quiet knock came from the door and then Spencer entered with a concerned look on her face.

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    1. So why does Spencer keep referring to Ashley as just her best friend? Or am I reading too much into that? Maybe I am. But something is definitely up with Spencer. What it is, I have no idea but I’m ready to find out soon. PMS!

    2. Seriously..what’s up with the “best friend” thing…that is quite annoying..and I want to know where Spencer actually went…and who called her..cause she is so lying through her teeth at aAshley..and it is so wrong..Awesome Update..PMS

    3. agree seriously what is up with da best friend thing. I mean trey are together right. And I know Spencer is lying to Ashley and its annoying me big time. Well awesome update I loved it alot Post More Soon

    4. I agree with Snowdrop this “your my best-friend” thing is strating to piss me off you dont hide a affair type thing if someone is ur best friend (unless its an ex but thats a different story)and I dont see why its not pissing of Ashley

    5. So why does Spencer keep referring to Ashley as just her best friend? Or am I reading too much into that? Maybe I am. But something is definitely up with Spencer. What it is, I have no idea but I’m ready to find out soon. PMS!

    6. Seriously..what’s up with the “best friend” thing…that is quite annoying..and I want to know where Spencer actually went…and who called her..cause she is so lying through her teeth at aAshley..and it is so wrong..Awesome Update..PMS

    7. agree seriously what is up with da best friend thing. I mean trey are together right. And I know Spencer is lying to Ashley and its annoying me big time. Well awesome update I loved it alot Post More Soon

    8. I agree with Snowdrop this “your my best-friend” thing is strating to piss me off you dont hide a affair type thing if someone is ur best friend (unless its an ex but thats a different story)and I dont see why its not pissing of Ashley

    9. Hmm…let’s hope I’m that flexible after lying in a coma for two years. I can’t stop thinking that Ashley should keep falling on her ass and acting all retarded considering she hasn’t moved for 730 days. Shit, I’m surprised she can speak let alone down Cuervo shots.Ha, I kid. A little. I like this fic. :)

    10. Hmm…let’s hope I’m that flexible after lying in a coma for two years. I can’t stop thinking that Ashley should keep falling on her ass and acting all retarded considering she hasn’t moved for 730 days. Shit, I’m surprised she can speak let alone down Cuervo shots.Ha, I kid. A little. I like this fic. :)

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