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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapte Twenty-One)

    “Damnit girl!” Kayley exclaimed and threw a crumpled napkin at her best friend. The older brunette rolled her eyes and wondered when her best friend had returned to the insecure but bratty girl she met years ago. “Stop worrying. It’ll get you grey hair and quite frankly, you’re too hot to pull of a grey head.”

    “Whatever K.” Ashley pouted. It was her life and her girlfriend, so she had every right to bitch and moan at the fact that said girlfriend was out on a ‘lunchdate’ with her ex-girlfriend. It’s not like she didn’t trust her girlfriend. She just didn’t trust that Sam person. The woman had showed up at Spencer’s office, out of the blue, just waltzing into her girlfriend’s life like it was something she did daily.

    That sounded awfully familiar…

    She shrugged the feeling away and the deep frown reappeared on her forehead. She had a feeling she was going home with a major headache.

    “Flygirl here has a point, honey.” Kenny said while flipping through a magazine, looking like he could care less. But in reality he had listened to the ongoing conversation. He was gay, he could multitask like the best. Momentarily shifting his view from the hot Armani guy on the page to Ashley, he continued. “I mean, yes she’s out with that tramp but it’s you who she comes home to at the end of the day.”

    “Exactly!” Kayley agreed.

    “But where she’s hanging out in the day is a mystery to us all…” Kenny muttered and shook his head. Straight people were ohso confusing. With a last shrug, he went back to reading his magazine and completely missed the bullets Kayley was shooting at him with her eyes.

    “See! Exactly. She might be mine tonight but where was she during the day?” The younger brunette’s pout got even bigger and she couldn’t help but feel even worse than before. She wished she could just crawl into her warm bed and never come out.

    This was exactly why Ashley never did too much serious relationships. They made you doubt everything and everyone. With their history, there was just bound to be something around the corner messing their renewed relationship up. So who was to say this Sam woman wasn’t the chick with the big mean sledgehammer?

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