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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Eight)

    “I can’t believe you flirted with judge Henderson!” Spencer laughed while she opened the door to her apartment. She let Ashley walk in first before following the brunette in. “The woman’s pushing 60! And to think you actually got it away with it.”

    Ashley smirked and casually sat down on the couch. “What can I say? This body has mad skills!”

    “Yeah.” The blonde walked over to her stereo and put in a CD. A few moments later relaxing music was softly filling the room.

    “Nice place you got here.” Ashley said after a minute of silence. “Bet you pay big bucks for it every month.”

    “Nah, not really. I bought it two years ago.” Spencer grinned. She went into the kitchen to get some drinks. “The usual, Ash?”

    “Sure.” Spotting a bunch of pictures on a bookshelf, the brunette’s curious side got the better of her so she got up to check them out. The first one was a shot of the Carlin family plus what Ashley assumed were grandchildren and daughters in law. The second picture was one of Spencer and her mother. Wow, she had aged over the years. No surprise there, but still. The third was a picture that made Ashley’s brow almost join her hairline. It was an intimate picture of Spencer and a girl kissing passionately.

    “Her name was Sam.” Spencer said when she saw Ashley eyeing the picture with great interest. She gave the brunette her Martini and sat down on the couch. ”She was a law student, a year older than me. We met the first day I moved into my dorm room.”

    Ashley put the picture back on the shelf and turned towards Spencer. “How long were you together?”

    “Almost three years.”


    “Yeah.” Spencer sighed and took a sip of her white wine. “It took her nearly a year to convince me she wasn’t a second you.”

    “Spencer…” Ashley trailed off, not really knowing how to reply to that.

    “And it took me nearly three years to realize she wasn’t you.” The blonde whispered so quietly, Ashley wasn’t even sure she heard it right.

    “I’m sorry.”

    “Me too.” Spencer sat up straight and put down her glass of wine. “I wonder you know, about the what ifs. What if you hadn’t slept with that redhead. What if I had forgiven you in high school. What if I told you I loved you that night you decided to get wasted and sleep around instead of saying I just liked you.”

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    1. OKAY!!! I am glad that you posted the eighth chapter becuase I was wondering what happen to it. Okay I enjoy the way that the story is going and LOVE THAT BEVERLY and KENNY are trying to get Spencer and Ashley in a room so that they can talk about their feelings for each other. I hope that you PMS and can’t wait to see what will happen next!!!!!

    2. OKAY!!! I am glad that you posted the eighth chapter becuase I was wondering what happen to it. Okay I enjoy the way that the story is going and LOVE THAT BEVERLY and KENNY are trying to get Spencer and Ashley in a room so that they can talk about their feelings for each other. I hope that you PMS and can’t wait to see what will happen next!!!!!

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