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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Eleven)

    Ashley came running into the office, severely out of breath and stopped in front of Beverly’s desk. She put both hands on the desk to keep herself standing. Damn, she wasn’t fit at all anymore. “Where is she? Is she alright?”

    Beverly frantically shook her head and pointed a finger at Spencer’s office. “In there. And uh no, she looked a bit pale really. But she showed me the door and threatened to fire me if I came in once again.” The assistant shrugged. “I’m getting uh, a bit worried cause I haven’t heard a sound coming out of the office.”

    Ashley absently nodded. She feared something might have happened to the blonde and in a panicking state of mind rushed over. She also understood Beverly’s reluctance’s to go in there. If it was indeed only a false alarm, her job would be on the line. But Ashley couldn’t risk walking away – she’d never forgive herself if something indeed had happened to Spencer.

    “You should go in there now! She might need, you know, mouth to mouth or something.”

    “Right.” And with that she ran into the office.

    Beverly sighed and rolled her chair back so Kenny was able to leave his hiding place under the desk. “You think this is going to work?” Beverly asked with a concerned tone. She eyed the bottle of sleeping pills in Kenny’s hands and hoped she wouldn’t get sacked for this little stunt. She had bills to pay!

    “Of course, honey! Never doubt a gay man’s plans.” To reassure her, he gave her a dazzling smile and lightly patted her thigh.

    Oh she was screwed alright.

    A minute or so later her suspicions were confirmed when she heard two very angry voices yell out her name. The assistant groaned and dropped her head in her hands.

    “Well. That didn’t go according to plan, did it?” Kenny said dryly.

    “Ya think?” Beverly retorted and slapped the waiter upside the head. “Get your gay genes straighten out because they’re worth squat!”

    “Shush! Nothing needs a straightening out here. Time for plan B.”


    1. lol its halirious, i’ve read this story from chapter 1 to this chapter, its an interesting story. Though, I think I’ve read it at other site before, but I forgot what site. *scratch head* And where’s chapter 8 *pouting* you didnt post chapter 8 *cry*pms, i’m lovin’ it

    2. lol its halirious, i’ve read this story from chapter 1 to this chapter, its an interesting story. Though, I think I’ve read it at other site before, but I forgot what site. *scratch head* And where’s chapter 8 *pouting* you didnt post chapter 8 *cry*pms, i’m lovin’ it

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