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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Fifteen)

    Spencer grabbed a few pillows and placed them against the wall, near where Ashley was sitting on a crate drinking some water she had found. After kicking off her shoes and shrugging off her jacket, she sat down on the pillows and sighed happily. Much better than those hard crates. She closed her eyes and took a moment to clear her head. When she heard a grunt coming from where Ashley was sitting, she opened one eye to see why Ashley felt the need to channel her inner-cavewoman.

    Ashley was trying to open a pot peanut butter she had found but wasn’t very successful. “Rotten peanut butter. Let me in already!”

    “I don’t think talking to it will do the trick.” Spencer quipped after she closed her eye again.

    “Whatever.” Ashley muttered and went back to fighting against the pot of peanut butter. She slammed it on the crate when she really could get it open and sighed. Maybe she could find something else on these racks. Checking the same rack where she had found the first pot, she found spam, spam and more spam. Another pot of peanut butter. Spam again. What was this? Her e-mail inbox?! Spotting some jam, she grabbed that pot and went back to her crate.

    Looking at Spencer still lounging against the wall and considered asking her if she was in the mood for a sandwich. But the little devil on her shoulder told her Spencer was a big girl and could take care of her own food. She sat down and looked amazed at the peanut butter. Since when do pots open themselves? “Did you open this?”

    Spencer shrugged.

    “Last time I checked, you weren’t that strong.” Ashley said and grabbed the pot. She didn’t find any scratches or tool marks so Spencer had to have opened it with her bare hands. She had spent a full ten minutes trying to pry it open and Spencer did the trick in two seconds flat? What was wrong with that picture?

    “Last time you checked was a decade ago. Pushing paper around gives you some unexpected muscles.”

    Ashley was too late to stop her mind from taking a spin with what Spencer just said. She quickly swallowed the first reply she had in mind and cursed her mind for even thinking it.

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