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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Fifteen B)

    “How about getting the hell outa here?” Ashley said, lounging against her own set of pillows she had placed next to the pillows Spencer used. She hoped not too many people showed up at her store. Not that it mattered much for her income, she wasn’t poor, but she wasn’t looking forward to disappointing her good clients.

    “Yeah, they’re probably somewhere near by.” Spencer said half asleep. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to focus her sight.

    Ashley got up and stretched, giving Spencer a nice view. With a smug look she walked up the stairs. What can she say, her back was killing her. A stretch was sorely needed. Showing off assets in the process was purely accidentally, of course. Grabbing the handle she tried opening it but as expected it was still locked. “Beverly! You little wench!” After hearing some shuffling, a piece of paper was slid under the door. “How nice.” Ashley muttered. She picked it up and read it to herself. “Give us ten minutes. Or so. We lost the key.” Ashley huffed. “I can’t believe it. Mickey and Minnie lost the fucking key!” She yelled out.

    After a moment Spencer appeared at the bottom. “No.”




    “Those idiots.” She rolled her eyes. At moments like these she really regretted her decision for hiring Beverly. The woman lost everything! One day she was probably gonna lose herself.


    “Kenny! You idiot!” Beverly exclaimed. She was pacing in the kitchen, trying to come up with reasons so she could chalk this up to insanity and hope her boss would pity her. Fat chance in that happening but she had to at least try. Everything was fair when it came to saving her butt!

    “Hey. I’m sorry but chunk of a hunk out there needed his order. How was I to know I would lose the key in the process of fixing him some lunch?”

    “You mean you lost the damned thing while you were flirting with him, right? You can’t cook to save your life.” The young woman sighed and decided it was time to take action. Arguing about how the incompetent bastard lost the key wasn’t going to open the door. “Where’s your toolbox?”

    “What?” The waiter said shocked. She wasn’t on planning to… No, she was too innocent for that. Right? “Why?” He asked in a squeaky voice.

    “Because I’m going to bash your brains in with a hammer, that’s why.” She replied dryly.

    “Eep!” Kenny’s eyes widened and he started moving behind the stove. His mother warned him he should always be wary of the silent ones. They were the kind who would sneak into your room in the middle of the night and kill you, without mercy. Like his cousin Jeffrey did. Troubled little guy.

    “I was kidding.” The young woman sighed and spotted a frying pan on the counter. She picked it up and waved it at Kenny. “Toolbox before I lose it and really bash in your brains!”

    “Right.” He swallowed and disappeared quickly into the back. After a minute he came back holding a pink box. Catching Beverly’s stunned look he frowned. “What? It was a gag gift given a few years ago by friends. Straight friends!”

    Beverly shook her head and opened it. She took out a few screwdrivers and eyed them. “Let’s hope we can jiggle open the door with these.”

    Kenny raised an eyebrow and wondered if she knew what she was doing. Oh well, he wasn’t going to get involved in such activities. He just had a manicure done. And he a certain chunk of a hunk had a bill to pay.


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