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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Five)

    Ashley pushed the glass door open and took a look around. At a table in the back she spotted a certain blonde. In a few quick steps she was standing next to said blonde wearing a smile. “You’re early.”

    “You’re late.” Spencer said and closed her newspaper.

    “Tomato, tomahto.” She waved a waiter over and give him her order. “You want something Spence?”

    “I’m good.”

    The young man left to get Ashley’s order.

    “So. I’m glad you came.” Ashley said after a moment.

    “We have a meeting in half an hour with your wife and her counsellor. Of course I came. It’s what you pay me for.”

    The brunette sighed. “Spender, would you put that needle away. It’s bursting my bubbles.”

    Their conversation was disturbed by the waiter who brought Ashley’s latte. “Thanks.”

    “You really think this is a date?” Spencer asked flabbergasted. She should’ve known Ashley would think more if than what it really was.

    The brunette smirked and sipped her drink. “Not a date per se, Spence.”


    “More of a test run.”

    “Excuse me?” Spencer raised her eyebrow and momentarily pondered if her eyebrow would get stuck one day, what with all the eyebrow raising she had to do when Ashley was around.

    “Well you know, if you can do this you can surely survive lunch with good ol’ me. Now THAT would be a date.” The brunette grinned cheekily.

    Spencer didn’t know what hit her. Here she was as a lawyer, doing her job, with a client and that same client was not only flirting with her, she was also assuming this was a date. It was to be expected that having Ashley as her client would’ve been an experience that she would never forget. “You’re pretty damn sure of yourself, Ash.”

    “Nah.” Looking Spencer straight in the eyes, she added “I just see the way you look at me.” She got up, threw a few bills on the table and took a baffled Spencer’s hand to drag her along. “Time to meet the ex.”


    “Miss Davies, Miss Carlin. My name is Walter Maybourne and I’m Miss Parker’s attorney.” A tall skinny man said. He took his briefcase and took out several folders.

    “You know him?” Ashley whispered in Spencer’s ear, sending chills all over the blonde’s body. And those weren’t the cold kind of chills. Not trusting her own voice, she shook her head.

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