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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Fourteen)

    Spencer slowly lifted her head up, not believing her own ears and she was sure she wasn’t going to believe her eyes either. “What the fuck are you doing here?” She asked bewildered. There sat Ashley on a crate playing some card game with herself. Briefly Spencer wondered who was winning.

    “I could ask the same thing to you.” Ashley retorted with a bored tone, that easily matched her expression.

    Spencer frowned. What was Ashley doing down here? Having a gut feeling she knew what was going, she sprinted back up the stairs and grabbed the handle of the door. Locked. “Shit!”

    Ashley nodded, even though she knew Spencer couldn’t see her. “You can say that again.” She grabbed another card and smiled. “I win. Take that, me.”

    “Alright. No problem. The door probably slammed shut on accident and when they’ll notice I’m gone for a long time they’ll come looking.” Spencer knew this wasn’t the case but she had to try to calm herself. She wasn’t good with the confined spaces.

    “I don’t think so. I got dragged in here rather forcibly by that damned gay waiter. I have a feeling Beverly had a partner in crime all along.”

    Spencer slowly descended the stairs and stopped at the bottom with a pout on her face. “She was teaming up with Kenny?”

    Ashley nodded without looking up at Spencer. She was busy contemplating if she should ask herself for any ones or any twos. Peeping at the cards in her another hand, she decided to ask for any ones.

    “And this is another scheme.”

    Ashley nodded again. “Yeah, we’ve been punked big time.”

    Spencer’s pout disappeared and an angry look took its place. “I’m going to wring her damn neck! Maim her! Feed her to my Uncle Bob’s dogs!”

    “You have an Uncle Bob?”


    The brunette held up her hands, indicating she was backing off already. She wanted to kill Mickey and Minnie as much as Spencer but getting worked up in here wasn’t going to magically open that door. “Look I’m sure they’ll open the door once they realize they can’t fix this. Until then, take a seat and relax.”

    “Relax? You can’t be fucking serious.” The blonde asked annoyed. She checked her pockets for her mobile but when she didn’t find it, she figured she must’ve left it at the office. “Do you have your mobile on you?”

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