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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Nineteen)

    Life was good. Last night she had one of the hottest dates ever. The company was hot, the date itself was hot what with said company getting her hot and the rest of the evening was too hot for words. She grinned and slowly stretched, cursing her strained muscles for protesting. Her body felt sore in places she hadn’t felt sore in a long time, if not ever.

    “Ashley! Wake up, girl.”

    She cracked one eye open and grinned at her best friend. “Hey fuckhead.” She got up and gave the woman a bearhug. “How are you, Kayley?” She asked after kissing the woman’s cheek.

    “I’m good. Enjoying my day off with a lunchdate with a hot brunette.” Kayley flirted laid-back.

    Ashley’s eyes got bigger and she rapidly looked around. “Where? Come on, show me the hotness! I wanna drool too!”

    Kayley laughed and playfully punched her best friend in the arm. “Shut up, you goof.” She grabbed a menu and started reading it. “So how’s life treating you these days, Ash?”

    “With the hottest sex ever.” The brunette replied dryly and casually flipped a page in the menu. Through her eyelashes she regarded Kayley and laughed at the shocked look on her face. “Come on K, you know I’m crude like that, nothing to be shocked about.”

    “Woman! You’re not having sex with me, so you cannot be having the hottest monkey sex ever!” Kayley exclaimed in a semi-hurtful tone. But the ghostlike smile on her lips, showed she was only joking.

    “Aww toots, you know you’re still my number one. Right behind Spencer.” She said cheekily and stuck out her tongue.

    “Put that away.” Kayley said and swatted at Ashley’s tongue. Putting down the menu, she leaned closer. “Tell me all about it. And I’m talking details here. But begin with the beginning. After all the endless stories about the infamous Spencer, I finally wanna know if she rocked your socks off like I did.”

    “Put a sock in your mouth, K.” Ashley rolled her eyes and waved over the waitress. “Two specials please.” The waitress nodded and took off again.

    “Ordering for me now?”

    “Of course. I would’ve ordered you a hot chick with some sex on the side because you’re obviously so horny you can’t think straight anymore but I don’t think they have that here.” The brunette answered and grinned.

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