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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Ten)

    Beverly nervously walked into the diner. She quickly checked if her sunglasses were still in place and mustered up as much courage as she could. The mantra ‘I can do this’ was going through her head over and over.


    The young woman froze and slowly turned around. She relaxed when she saw it was only Ashley. She quickly shot into the booth and suspiciously looked around to see if someone else had recognized her. Deal, not a lot of people knew her but you could never be too cautious!

    “Why the hell are you dressed like you came out of a bad spy movie?” Ashley asked bewildered. She never expected to be met with this when she walked in but five minutes ago. Beverly wore a beige French coat, a blonde wig and a pair of huge sunglasses, looking very much out of place. And like she was part of some crazy French mafia.

    “Because I don’t want anyone to recognize me! I came,” Beverly leaned in closer, probably for the drama effect Ashley guessed. “undercover.”

    “Under… cover?” The brunette shook her head and wondered when she jumped realities. Or if she suddenly got stuck in a Twilight Zone episode. Cue the theme song! “You mean, you came overmedicated, right?”

    Beverly frowned. Medication? She didn’t take any medication. “No, no, not at all.” She spotted a waiter coming over and after panicking for a second, she grabbed a menu and held it in front of her face.

    “Can I take your orders, please?” The waiter asked.

    “Do you happen to have scotch in this place? Absinth? Gin? No?” The brunette almost begged. She didn’t believe she came all across the city for this. It better become real interesting quick before her migraine came back full force.

    “Hey lady, this is a diner. Not booze-o-rama.” The waiter, whose name was Kenny as his nametag indicated, replied. “So either get something we have or go to the nearest liquor store.”

    “Oh. Feisty today, aren’t we?”

    “I’m having a bad week. Sue me.”

    “I can relate, trust me.” Ashley sighed and glanced at Beverly, who was still hiding behind the menu. She rolled her eyes and snatched the menu away.

    Eyeing the disguised woman, Kenny nodded. “I can see that. So what’ll it be?”

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    1. I felt so bad for Ashley because she had to listen to Beverly. WTF! Beverly is so werid but, i like her. I love Ashley and Spencer funny come backs to each other..they are so funny. Its like they’re smart ass teenagers again. I started reading from the begining and I’m confused about why and who Ashley cheated with. Interesting how Spencer still isn’t into labels……pls pms

    2. I just started reading your fic today, and let me tell you…I’m lovin’ it. I’m not sure what it is about your writing…but it’s strangely addicting!! Sort of like Sour Patch Kids. Or the show Scrubs. Anyways-I really really dig your style of writing, it’s truely unique. Post again soon.

    3. I felt so bad for Ashley because she had to listen to Beverly. WTF! Beverly is so werid but, i like her. I love Ashley and Spencer funny come backs to each other..they are so funny. Its like they’re smart ass teenagers again. I started reading from the begining and I’m confused about why and who Ashley cheated with. Interesting how Spencer still isn’t into labels……pls pms

    4. I just started reading your fic today, and let me tell you…I’m lovin’ it. I’m not sure what it is about your writing…but it’s strangely addicting!! Sort of like Sour Patch Kids. Or the show Scrubs. Anyways-I really really dig your style of writing, it’s truely unique. Post again soon.

    5. i know i’ve read this somewhere else…but i think you stopped updateing after awhile, so i cant wait to see if you continue the story from where you left off on another site, because i absolutly love this fic!!

    6. i know i’ve read this somewhere else…but i think you stopped updateing after awhile, so i cant wait to see if you continue the story from where you left off on another site, because i absolutly love this fic!!

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