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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Thirteen)

    Spencer sat down in the booth and grabbed a menu. “So are you buying me a small breakfast or are we talking pancakes, eggs and coffee here?”

    “All the way.” Beverly responded and glanced around. Where was that idiot formerly known as Kenny?! She swore if he wouldn’t show his face right this minute she’d hurt him where he would feel it for days. Stress really brought up her violent side.


    After a minute or so, Spencer waved over a waiter and began giving him her order. When he was done with taking Spencer’s order he turned towards Beverly. “You want something?”

    “Uh… coffee thanks. Say, you don’t happen to know where Kenny is, do you?” The young woman asked as nonchalantly as she could. Which wasn’t even close to nonchalant, but still.

    “He went into the back a few minutes ago. He’ll be back soon.”

    “ ’kay.” Beverly put her arms on the table and blew out a breath.

    “Kenny?” Spencer asked suspiciously. “Why would you need him?”

    “No reason!” Beverly responded with a highpitched voice. She chided herself, what a way to not draw suspicion to yourself. Behind Spencer’s shoulder she saw Kenny come out of the back, looking a little dishevelled. What on earth did he do back there? Then again, she probably didn’t wanna know. She stood up. “Nature’s calling. Be back in a few.” Without even waiting for Spencer’s response, she quickly shot to the bathroom and dragged Kenny along in the process.

    “Hey I’m all for quickies in the bathroom, but you’ve got certain parts I don’t want dear!” Kenny said when Beverly shoved him in the bathroom.

    “What’s the next step in your genius plan?” Beverly asked, getting straight the point. She was a nervous wreck and she couldn’t deal with the funnies right now.

    “Well, you need to go back and stop acting like you just robbed a bank. Act normal! The last step is getting Spencer into the basement but leave that up to me. I’ve got it covered.”

    “Where is Ashley?”
    “Down under, baby.” Kenny laughed and swung his arm around Beverly, leading her out of the bathroom. “Don’t worry. Just go back, socialize a bit with your boss and let me handle getting Spencer in that basement.”

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