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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Twelve)

    “Kenny this is the fourth plan you came up with. Suffice to say, you kind of suck with the plan making.” Beverly exclaimed and threw her hands up in the air. This was going to end up in a big painful mess. And she was bound to end up in the middle of it.

    “No, no, this one is going to work.” Kenny said confidently.

    “What makes this plan so much better than the others? The blind date didn’t work out, sending them love letters supposedly from each other ended up with Spencer getting a restraining order against Ashley and the sick Spencer trick – well let’s say she doesn’t ask me for coffee anymore. I’m border lining being unemployment here!”
    Kenny finished drawing up his plan and gave her the napkin. “Foolproof babe.

    She eyed the scribbling on the napkin and wondered if he ever learned how to write. And if he did, where?!

    “What has been the one thing that always managed to fuck up our plans?”

    “Besides the fact that they were yours?” The young woman retorted sarcastically.

    Kenny gave her a mean look. “No Miss sarcasm. A factor that has always influenced our plans-“

    “Your plans.”

    “-was the escape route.”


    “Sigh. They were always able to leave, you know, run away from each other.”

    As if a light bulb appeared above her head, Beverly’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh.”

    Kenny nodded and gave his trademark smile. “Yep, oh.”

    “So if you put them in the same room, without any exits, they can’t avoid each other.”

    “And the price for the slowest grasping of something goes to Beverly.” Kenny muttered. For which he got a slap upside the head. “Hey! Watch it! I just got a haircut. Max spent half a day on this head to get it all nice.”

    “I bet.” The assistant took the napkin in her hands and inspected it again. She wondered if Kenny had any Russian blood in him because this really looked like Russian to her. “So where do you propose we do this?”

    “Right here, basement. It’s not too big so they won’t be able to avoid each other. There’s only one exit but easily closed by turning the little key. I’m telling you, foolproof.”

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    1. I’m a little confused I have read the story from the beginning, but I think a chapter is missing. I have no idea why Spencer and Ashley aren’t talking right now.

    2. I’m a little confused I have read the story from the beginning, but I think a chapter is missing. I have no idea why Spencer and Ashley aren’t talking right now.

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