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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty)

    “What are you doing here?” Spencer asked the other woman in bewilderment. She momentarily glanced at Beverly and saw her assistant had retreated to her desk. Traitor. Grabbing Sam’s hand, she dragged her along to her office and with more force than she intended closed the door. Opening the door again for a second, she called out, “Hold all my calls, Beverly.”

    “Of course.” Beverly whispered. She wished upon every lucky star she knew this wouldn’t cause trouble for Spencer and Ashley’s relationship. They were doing so great. And after all the work she and Kenny put in it, they better not let this tramp come in and ruin everything!

    Meanwhile back in the office, Spencer was still leaning against the door. She wondered if her subconscious was trying to block the door, to keep someone out. “Are you going to answer my question?”

    “I was in the neighbourhood?” Sam replied tentatively and took a step in Spencer’s direction.

    The blonde automatically wanted to take one back but was hindered by her office door. Cursing it, she ran a shaky hand through her blonde locks.

    “Okay, so maybe that’s a lie.” The older woman continued after receiving no reply. She walked towards Spencer and throwing the blonde for a loop, she casually leaned next to her against the door.

    “Wait. You’re not here for legal advice, right?” Cause if she was, Spencer was sure this office was hexed. Doomed. Cursed!

    “No, uh, I’m a lawyer too, remember?” Sam gave her a slight smile. “I just wanted to see you. I’m in town for a while and thought we could catch up. It’s been a while.”

    “I know. What are you in town for?”

    “Business.” Sam answered rather curtly and pushed herself away from the door. “But let’s not talk about that. How are you doing, Spencer?” She casually said down on the sofa.

    Spencer took a deep breath and moved swiftly to the mini-fridge she had in her office. She had a weird feeling about this all but decided to ride along anyway. Even though their relationship hadn’t worked out, she stilled missed Sam as a dear friend, if nothing else.

    She took out a bottle of water and indicated at Sam if she wanted one. After receiving an affirmative nod, she took out another and handed over Sam’s. “As you can see, I’m doing pretty well. I started this little firm roughly two years ago and it’s going really well.” She took a seat next to Sam on the sofa. “What about you?”

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    1. I just got catch up on your story. And i have to say i love it. Sam best not try and cause any problems between spencer and ashley. I`m glad they are together. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    2. I just got catch up on your story. And i have to say i love it. Sam best not try and cause any problems between spencer and ashley. I`m glad they are together. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    3. Okay…this is not cool…You can’t just post alot and then leave people hangin’ just like that ;)….I’m lookin’ forward to a little more drama before they have their “Happy Ever After”…..PMS!

    4. Okay…this is not cool…You can’t just post alot and then leave people hangin’ just like that ;)….I’m lookin’ forward to a little more drama before they have their “Happy Ever After”…..PMS!

    5. Wait….Ashley and Spencer didn’t have sex in highschool? I thought Ash was Spences first…not Sam…Poor Bev….she’s gonna blow a gasket if this keeps up…PMS!!

    6. Wait….Ashley and Spencer didn’t have sex in highschool? I thought Ash was Spences first…not Sam…Poor Bev….she’s gonna blow a gasket if this keeps up…PMS!!

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