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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty-Three)

    “So how was your date?” Ashley asked casually when the blonde let her in. She was quite surprised to feel this calm. The little intervention her friends came up with appeared to have helped her.

    “It was fine.” Spencer replied, while hurriedly taking of Ashley’s coat. She threw it to the side and crushed her lips to her girlfriend’s ones. Running her hands through Ashley’s brown locks, she inwardly smiled when she felt Ashley’s confused state. Taking them by surprise was so much fun.

    But the next moment hands pushed at her shoulders and she was met with brown eyes looking at her in astonishment. “And it wasn’t a date.” Spencer added as an after thought, throwing the brunette for an even bigger loop.

    “Okay. What was this then?”

    “A girl can’t kiss her girlfriend anymore?”

    “Sure.” Ashley frowned. She was all for the hot greetings, especially if they involved those luscious lips she loved so much. But for some reason this particular greeting felt wrong, almost tainted with something. Ashley wasn’t one who put a lot of faith in intuition but it was being particularly persistent.

    “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” Spencer asked when she saw Ashley’s frown. She knew the brunette only frowned when she was either confused or when she was disappointed. Going on a limb, she figured Ashley was probably confused. But by what?

    “Nothing. Nothing.” Ashley moved away from Spencer and walked into the kitchen. Once there she spied everything around her, as if clues would randomly appear. But nothing distinguished caught her eye. Why on earth was she putting herself through this? Just cause her damned insecure gut decided to forget all the things her friends told her and act like a total bitch anyway. Curse her gut and its feelings. She turned around with a smile when she heard the kitchen door open and said, “So what do you want to do? Watch a movie?”

    But Spencer didn’t bite. “You don’t trust me.” She more stated than asked, with a deep frown. It was quickly joined by a look of disappointment. It had it her like a ton of bricks and she couldn’t believe it. How could she not trust her? The blonde thought they had started with a clean slate this time so what had she done to make Ashley not trust her? “I can’t believe you.”

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