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    Face Down – (Chapter: 10)

    “So you know how we were in jail last night?” he asked.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said.

                “Well, Josh was there,” he said.

                He looked down at his hands. “He told me that if he ever saw Spencer or Ashley again, he would kill them.”

                “Oh my god,” Kyla said covering her mouth with one of her hands. “What did you do?”

                “I told him that if he came near them, I would kill him myself,” Aiden said.

                “What are we gonna do?” Kyla asked. “Do we tell them?”

                “I don’t know,” Aiden said. “I really don’t know. I think we should but then again I don’t think we should.”

                “I feel the same way,” Kyla said.

                “Let’s just wait it out a day or two,” Aiden said. “Then we can either tell them or not tell them.”

                “That sounds like a plan,” Kyla said.

                “I should probably get going,” Aiden said. “Call me if you need anything.”

                “I will,” Kyla said.

                Aiden got up and left. Kyla sat in her room for a few minutes before going back downstairs. She walked into the kitchen where Spencer and I were eating.

                “That didn’t take long,” I said.

                “Yeah,” Kyla said. “He just had something to tell me.”

                “What was so important?” I asked.

                “I can’t tell you just yet,” Kyla said.

                “Ok,” I said. “That’s cool. I guess. There’s pizza if you’re hungry.”

                “All right,” Kyla said. She got a few slices and ate.

                “What do you have planned for tonight?” Spencer asked Kyla.

                “I don’t know yet,” Kyla said.

                “Do you think maybe you could go somewhere else?” I asked.

                “Ash,” Spencer said. “Don’t make her go stay somewhere else.”

                “I’m just looking out for her best interests,” I said. “I don’t think she’ll want to hear us all night.”

                “I’ll just stay downstairs,” Kyla said. “Is that ok?”

                “I guess that works,” I said.

                “What time?” Kyla asked.

                “Around 8,” I said. “We’re going out to dinner. We should be back around 8.”

                “We’re going out to dinner?” Spencer asked.

                “Yep,” I said.

                “Where to?” Spencer asked.

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