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    Face Down – (Chapter: 11)

                “Happy six months,” Spencer said.

                “A very happy six months,” I smiled.



                I stood up and walked to my closet. “What are you doing?” Spencer asked.

                I walked out with two bathing suits. I tossed one to her. “We’re going for a swim,” I said.

                We put them on and went out to the pool. It was a cool, dark night. Spencer and I took a minute to enjoy the night sky before I playfully pushed her in the pool. She came back up to the surface and gave me the dirtiest look imaginable.

                “How dare you,” she said.

                “Baby,” I said laughing, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

                “Sure you didn’t,” she said. She swam over to the side. She jumped up and grabbed my arm, pulling me in the water with her.

                I came to the surface. “Even now?” I asked.

                “For now,” she smiled.

                I pulled her close and kissed her softly. She pulled away and splashed me quickly before swimming away. We chased each other around the pool for a while. I swam over to the side and sat on the edge of the pool. Spencer swam up to me. She rested her arms on my legs and looked up at me.

                “Have I told you lately how much I love you?” I asked.

                “Not in the past ten minutes,” she smiled.

                “Well I love you more than I love myself,” I joked. “And that’s a lot.”

                “Wow,” she said, playing along. “You love someone more than yourself? That’s saying a lot.”

                “You better believe it,” I smiled. I leaned down and kissed her. “You ready to head back inside?”

                “How about we change then come back out and sit for a while,” she said.

                “Whatever you want,” I smiled. I stood up and helped her out of the pool. We went inside and dried off then changed into jeans and sweatshirts. We went back outside and laid on a blanket near the pool. We snuggled close as we stared at the stars.

                “The stars are so beautiful tonight,” Spencer said.

                “Just like you,” I said.

                “You’re full of compliments tonight,” she said.

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