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    Face Down – (Chapter: 12)

                “Ok,” I said. “Now tell me.”

                “When Kyla and I were in jail,” he said taking a deep breath, “I saw Josh. He told me that if he ever saw you or Spencer again, he would kill you.”



                “What?” I shouted. I stood up. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner? I could have protected her. I wouldn’t have left her out there alone if I would have known that.”

                “I’m sorry,” Aiden said. “I know I should have told you sooner but I thought there was more time. I didn’t know he was going to be out of jail so soon.”

                “That doesn’t matter,” I shouted. “You should have told me as soon as you saw me. You shouldn’t have kept it to yourself.”

                “I’m sorry,” he said.

                “If anything happens to her,” I said sternly, “it’s all on you. I hope you know that.”

                I walked away and said goodbye to the Carlins. I sped off to the police station. I parked and walked inside up to the front desk.

                “Hi, can I help you?” the officer asked.

                “Is Officer Martin here?” I asked.

                “I think so,” the officer said. “Can I get your name?”

                “Ashley Davies,” I said.

                “I’ll let him know you’re here,” the officer said.

                “Thank you,” I said. I backed away from the desk and paced.

                “Miss Davies,” Officer Martin said, “can I help you?”

                “Yes,” I said. “I know who took Spencer.”

                “Come with me,” Officer Martin said. We walked back to his desk. “Ok. Now tell me.”

                “Josh Johnson,” I said.

                “Are you sure?” Officer Martin asked.

                “Yes sir,” I said.

                “How do you know?” Officer Martin asked.

                “My friend, Aiden Dennison, was arrested the other night,” I said. “Josh was here too. He told Aiden that if he saw me or Spencer again he would kill us.”

                “Why would he want to do that?” Officer Martin asked.

                “Josh and Spencer used to date,” I said. “He beat her. She dumped him then ended up with me. He got really pissed over the whole situation. He told a lot of lies to her parents. One night he found Spencer in the park and was beating her up when I got there. He stabbed me and ran away.”

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    1. damn!!!! i hope spencer is ok and they find her and kill josh!!! Great writing! i think this has gotta be one of my favorite updates so far! pms! and bring spence back soon!

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