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    Face Down – (Chapter: 13)

                “I will let you know when we find out more,” he said.

                “Ok thank you,” I said, hanging up the phone.

                It had been a week and I still hadn’t heard anything from Officer Martin. I was beyond worried. I was beyond nervous. I was beyond scared. I had become pretty much numb. I still slept in Kyla’s room. My bed hasn’t been touched in a week. Kyla and Aiden were pretty upset too. I had gone to see Spencer’s parents almost every night. We were all devastated. I could barely eat. I could hardly sleep. I cried myself to what little sleep I got every night. I just want my Spencer back.

                My grades were slipping at school. I still went, I just didn’t do anything while I was there. I couldn’t do any of my homework. Spencer was the one that always made me do my homework. Without her, I fail. I can’t survive without her. I’m barely surviving now. I can’t give up but I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.

    It had been eight days and I was sitting at the Carlin house. My phone started to ring.

                “Hello,” I answered.

                “Ashley?” Officer Martin said. “It’s Officer Martin.”

                “Oh hi,” I said.

                “I have good news for you,” Officer Martin said.

                “What is it?” I asked impatiently.

                “We found Josh and have him in custody,” Officer Martin said.

                “What about Spencer?” I asked.

                “We found her too,” Officer Martin said. “She should be arriving at West any minute. She wasn’t in the greatest shape but she’s alive.”

                “Oh my god,” I said starting to cry. “Thank you so much.”

                “You’re welcome,” Officer Martin said. “But if it wasn’t for you and your friends putting up fliers around town, who knows if we would have found her.”

                “Thank you,” I said. I hung up the phone.

                “What?” Arthur asked. “Did they find her?”

                “Yes,” I said smiling. “She is at West.”

                “Let’s go,” Arthur said. He grabbed his keys and we all left. I sent Aiden and Kyla texts telling them Spencer was at West. They replied and told me they were on their way.

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    1. i cant believe he did all that to her…i hope he rots in a prison cell for life..actualy he should get the death sentence..bring out the electric chair again…well gr8 update PMS

    2. so happy you updated! I am a little concerned for spencer though. I hope she accepts help, because going through that must have messed her up. pms! awesome update!

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