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    Face Down – (Chapter: 16)

                “You look tired,” I said. “Let’s take a nap.”

                “That took a lot out of me,” she said. “A nap would be great.”

                She laid back down and I laid next to her. I put my head on her shoulder and my arm across her stomach. I held on tightly. I wasn’t going to let her go again.


                We hadn’t been asleep very long when Spencer’s lunch came. The woman woke us up and left Spencer’s food for her. I got up and checked out the food.

                “This looks nasty,” I said. “Have fun eating it.”

                “Gee thanks,” she said.

                “You’re welcome,” I smiled.

                “Smart ass,” she said.

                I smiled. “You love me though,” I said.

                “You’re right,” she smiled. She started eating her lunch.

                “How is it?” I asked.

                “Not bad,” she said. She ate the rest pretty quickly.

                “You must have been hungry,” I said.

                “Starved,” she smiled.

                “Spence,” I said softly.

                “Uh oh,” she said. “This doesn’t sound good.”

                “There’s something I want you to do for me,” I said.

                “Ok,” she said, unsure of what I was talking about.

                “I want you to go to counseling when you get out of here,” I said looking at her with soft eyes.

                “Why?” she asked.

                “I just want to make sure you’re ok,” I said. “What happened to you was terrible. I don’t want it to affect you your whole life.”

                “I’ll think about it,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. Things were a bit tense for a few minutes. Arthur walked in.

                “Good afternoon ladies,” he smiled.

                “Hi dad,” Spencer said.

                “How are you doing today?” he asked.

                “Better,” she smiled.

                “The doctor said you get to go home tomorrow if things go well,” he said.

                “That’s awesome,” she said. “I’m tired of this place.”

                “But,” he said, “I want you to stay home the rest of the week. You can go back to school on Monday.”

                “Ok,” she nodded.

                We all talked for a while then Arthur left to get us dinner. He came back a little while later. After we ate, Spencer told me to head home since I had school in the morning. Arthur said he was spending the night there so I didn’t have to worry about anything. I still didn’t want to leave. Spencer said I needed to. I kissed her and left. I had Kyla pick me up. I forgot I didn’t have my car there.

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