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    Face Down – (Chapter: 17)

                “It’s ok,” I said. “I’m here.”

                “I think I will go see someone,” she said.

                “Good,” I said. “We’ll call someone in the morning.”

                “Will you go with me?” she asked.

                “Of course,” I said. I held onto her tightly, glad she decided to get help.


                It’s been a few months since Spencer has been out of the hospital. We’ve been going to counseling and she’s doing great. I’m so proud of her. She rarely has nightmares anymore. She’s not afraid to go by herself anymore, well usually. There are still a few times, especially at night. But she’s really coming along. It’s great.

                Josh’s trial came and went. Spencer and I testified. She had a rough time on the stand but she got through it. I have never been so proud of her. But anyways, he is going to be in jail for a very long time. I’m so relieved.

                School has been going pretty good. I got my grades back up. Spencer hit me when she found out they were slipping. We’ve been applying to colleges. Spencer has gotten into USC, UCLA, UC San Diego, and Ohio State. She has narrowed it down to USC and UCLA. I have applied to USC, UCLA, and UC San Diego. I haven’t gotten any letters back yet but they should be coming soon.

                Prom is coming up. I’m a bit nervous. Spencer and I know we are going together but I haven’t officially asked her. I’m trying to think of a way to do it and I haven’t come up with anything good yet. Aiden asked Kyla. She was happy.

                “Ky,” I said, “you have to help me.”

                “Ok, ok,” Kyla said. “Have you thought of anything?”

                “No,” I said. “I’m drawing a blank.”

                “That’s not good,” she said. “Prom is in like three weeks.”

                “I know,” I said. “I know. I just can’t figure anything out.”

                “Which is weird,” she said.

                “Why?” I asked.

                “Because you’re a huge romantic,” she said. “You can always think of something really special and romantic and then do it big and over the top.”

                “No I don’t,” I said.

                “Bull,” she said. “Look at your six month anniversary with Spencer.”

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