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    Face Down – (Chapter: 18)

                “Oh Ash,” she said. “I can’t take this.”

                “Please do,” I said. “I just want you to have something of mine so you’ll always think of me.”

                “Thank you so much,” she said. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. “I love you.”

                “I love you too,” I said smiling.


                “And just FYI,” Spencer said, “I always think of you anyway.”

                “And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I smiled.

                “We need to go shopping,” she said suddenly.

                “For?” I asked.

                “Dresses duh,” she said.

                “Oh,” I said. “Well I guess we can do that.”

                “We need to do it soon,” she said.

                “Ok fine,” I said. “We can go tomorrow.”

                “Yay,” she smiled. “We can see if Kyla wants to go too.”

                “Sure we can,” I said.

                “Let’s go to bed now so we can get up early and go,” she said.

                “Ok,” I said. We started to change into pajamas. “Wait a second. How early?”

                “Like 8 or 9,” she said.

                “Are you serious?” I asked. “Come on baby do we really have to go that early?”

                “Ash,” Spencer said, “please. Prom is just a few weeks away. There aren’t going to be many dresses left and I want to get something good.”

                “Spence,” I said, “That’s really early though.”

                “Ok,” she said. She started pouting. “I’ll just have to stick with the ugly dresses that are 10 sizes to big.”

                “Fine,” I said. “We’ll go early.”

                “Thanks Ash,” she said hugging me.
                “You owe me though,” I said.

                “I don’t mind that,” she smiled.

                “We better get to bed then,” I said climbing into bed.

                “Are you going to tell Kyla that we’re going?” she asked.

                “No,” I smiled. “We’ll just wake her up and surprise her.”

                “You’re evil,” she said turning off the light and laying next to me.

                “Oh I know,” I said. I rolled on my side and rested my hand on her stomach. My hand inched its way down to her shorts. I leaned over and latched onto Spencer’s neck. I could hear her breathing harder. I moved my hand on top of her shorts and rubbed her pussy. I rubbed a bit harder when I heard her moans. After a minute, I let go of her neck and rolled onto my stomach. “Night babe.”

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