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    Face Down – (Chapter: 19)

                “What are those?” Spencer asked.

                I sat next to her on the couch. “Letters from UCLA and UC San Diego,” I said.

                “Are you going to open them?” she asked.

                All I could do was stare at the envelopes that decided my future. I didn’t know if I could open them or not.


                “Ash?” Spencer said. “Are you ok?”

                “Huh?” I said. “Yeah. Sorry. I don’t know if I can open them.”

                “Do you want me to?” she asked.

                “No,” I said. “I’ll do it. But I can’t right here. I’ll go out into the hall.”

                “Ok,” she said. “I’ll wait here.”

                I got up and went into the hallway. I shut the door behind me. I opened each letter and then read them.


    *Spencer’s POV*


                Ashley was freaking out a little bit about her letters from UCLA and UC San Diego. I waited for a few minutes then I heard someone running downstairs and slamming the front door shut. I got up and walked out into the hall.

                “Ash?” I said looking around. I didn’t see her. I just saw the two letters on the floor. I picked them up and read them. “Oh no.”

                I went down to Kyla’s room.

                “Spencer,” Kyla said, “what’s up?”

                “Ash ran off,” I said.

                “Why?” she asked.

                “I’m guessing because of these,” I said handing her the letters.

                “She didn’t get in,” she said. “Oh man.”

                “Should we go after her?” I asked.

                “I’d say let’s give her some time and if she doesn’t come back in a couple hours we can go look for her.”

                “Ok,” I said. “Is Aiden coming over tonight?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “He’ll probably be over in a little bit.”

                “Cool,” I said. “Well I think I’m going to go take a nap or something.”

                “Ok,” she said. “See you later.”

                I nodded and walked back to my room. I grabbed my phone and laid on the bed. I decided to call Ashley. It rang and rang and rang. I got her voicemail.

                “Hey Ash,” I said, “I was just checking to see if you were ok. Gimme a call or something, ok? I love you.”

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