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    Face Down – (Chapter: 20 – The End)

                “That’s what I was thinking,” I said. “Are you ready to go to sleep?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “I’m sorry that we couldn’t go back to the beach.”

                “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “We’ll do it another time.”

                We then changed and went to sleep.


                Ok so prom is tomorrow and I’m freaking out. There is so much stuff to get done. I don’t even know where to start. The limo is taken care of though. Kyla and Aiden are riding with Spencer and me. I think we are going to a party afterwards.

                “Ash,” Spencer said, “what purse should I use tomorrow?”

                “I don’t know,” I said. “I have a ton so just look through them.”

                “Are you ok?” she asked walking over to me.

                “Yeah,” I said.

                “Tell me the truth,” she said.

                “I’m just kinda freaking out a little bit,” I said.

                “About prom?” she asked.

                “Yeah,” I said. “I mean it’s our senior prom. We’re graduating soon. I mean the end is almost here.”

                “It’s not the end,” she said.

                There was a knock on my door and Kyla walked in. “Ash,” she said, “there’s a letter for you.”

                “Thanks,” I said. I took it and looked at it. “It’s from USC.”

                “What are you waiting for?” Spencer said. “Open it.”

                “Babe I can’t,” I said. I handed the letter to her. “You do it.”

                Spencer opened the letter and read it. I couldn’t read her face. “Dear Miss Ashley Davies,” Spencer said, “As you may know, many students apply for admission here at the University of Southern California. Although we would like to, we can’t accept each application that comes through. With that being said, we would like to congratulate you and welcome you to the USC family.”

                “Oh my god,” I said.

                “You got in!” Spencer shouted.

                “Oh my god,” I said.

                Spencer ran towards me and hugged me. We were both screaming. Kyla ran in.

                “What the hell is going on?” Kyla asked.

                “I got in!” I said.

                “Oh my god,” Kyla said running to me and hugging me. “That’s awesome.”

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    1. Sequel is a must. You can’t just have them get engaged and leave us hanging, I need more. I’m glad this story had a happy ending. Now get crackin’ on that sequel!

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