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    Face Down – (Chapter: 9)

                “I hate them,” I said.

                “Why?” Spencer asked.

                “They got arrested before me,” I said.

                “Do you think we should go bail them out?” she asked.

                “Probably,” I said.

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “Let’s go then.”



                Spencer and I changed before heading out to the car. I stumbled around a little bit but Spencer helped me get in the car. She drove to the police station. I walked inside with her up to the desk.

                “Can I help you ladies?” the officer asked.

                “My sister and her boyfriend were arrested earlier,” I said. “I’m here to bail them out.”

                “What are their names?” the officer asked.

                “Kyla Woods and Aiden Dennison,” I said.

                “Ok,” he said. He looked them up on his computer. “That will be $400.”

                “Ok,” I said. I wrote a check and handed it to the officer.

                “Thank you,” he said. “I’ll go process this and get your friends.”

                “Ok, thank you,” I said.

                Spencer and I walked over and sat down on a bench. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I scooted closer and rested my head on her shoulder.

                “Are you sobering up?” Spencer whispered.

                “A little bit,” I smiled.

                “Good,” she said. “We don’t want you getting arrested here too.”

                “I guess you’re right,” I laughed.

                Kyla and Aiden walked out. They both looked horrible. Spencer and I stood up and they hugged us immediately.

                “Thank you so much,” Kyla said holding me tightly.

                “You’re welcome,” I said. “Just don’t do it again.”

                “I won’t,” she said. “Trust me, I won’t.”

                “Good,” I said.

                Aiden was being quiet. It seemed like more than him being upset about getting arrested. But I didn’t want to push; I just wanted to go to bed.

                “Are we ready to go home?” I asked.

                Everyone agreed and we left the police station. We dropped Aiden off at home then went home ourselves. We got inside and headed up to bed.

                “Ky,” I said before heading into my room.

                “Yeah?” Kyla said.

                “What was up with Aiden?” I asked. “He seemed freaked out or something.”

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