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    Family Secrets (Ch. 1)

                    It was hard to open a magazine or turn on the TV without seeing them. They were absolutely everywhere. They even had a nickname, The Trio. Spencer Carlin, Ashley Davies, and Aiden Dennison were quite possibly the most famous people in the world respectively and together. They’d all been best friends since high school and remained best friends to this day.

    Spencer was becoming the most sought after director of our time. She was relatively new to the scene but already showing that she was better than anyone before her. People absolutely worshiped her movies, and her body. Spencer was hot, with long honey blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was short and thin, with a little bit of tone here and there. She was gorgeous, the innocence of childhood was long gone but it was plain to see that she still had that wholesome, girl next door quality.

     Ashley was quite possibly the most famous rock star to come from America. She had gone triple Platinum too many times to count, and had broken records with how many Emmy’s she’d gotten. She was the sex icon, and did it well. Her body was kept fit constantly, even though she pigged out on some of the unhealthiest foods I’d ever seen. Her trade mark was the wrinkle she got in her nose when she smiled; people absolutely went gaga over her. She had these deep coffee brown eyes that changed their shade every day. She was devilish and wild, and America loved her for it. Her parties were legendary but her music was what really made her stand out.

    Aiden had first gotten famous in the sports industry, one of the most promising NBA players yet but had blown out his knee just two shorts years into his career. But his best friend Ashley Davies had gotten him a job in a low level recording agency. He now owned that agency and it was one of the top selling recording agencies in the world. Aiden made People’s Hottest Man in the World cover three years running. He was tall, tan, and handsome. His hair was black and curly and always stylishly messy. His eyes were a bright green that made girls crazy. He had the body of a “Greek god” as most people liked to say, and he liked to show it off too.

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    1. I’m very interested in where this could go. an outside perspective is a nice change-up and could lead to a lot of possibilities I’d think. hope you continue because I’d like to know about why spence is upset over being pregnant, and all about the deep dark secret which of course I think has to do with spence and ash dating or something to that effect, but hey you could come completely out of left field and shock the hell outta me! anyway, great job so far, please continue!

    2. Alright, so I’m just gonna throw this out there; maybe the person who is pregnant is actually Ashley and not Spencer? haha I dunno, I just get a weird feeling that things are not what they seem! Great story, Im anxious fo the next update!!

    3. Awesome…. I’m actually liking this story a lot so far…. A few notes….An emmy is for TV… Grammy is for musicChelsea had taken the baby so spencer wouldn’t have it stillSome comments…They don’t tell rachel what’s going on bc she’s a reporter and may not be able to resist a storySpences pregnancy wasn’t intentional.Ashley is not happy about the pregnancySpence and ashley had a thing in high schooland that’s all I got….Please PMS

    4. yes! definitely continue please! if something happened between spencer and ashley in high school, they must’ve resolved it somehow for the 3 of them to want to still be so close after aiden and spencer getting married. so that means the marriage couldn’t have been a cover for a relationship between spencer and ashley. unless, spencer and aiden accidentally slept together, and that’s why ashley is no-showing at dinner. but if it was an agreement- aiden wouldn’t have thrown spencer under the bus by announcing it. i don’t think i’m even making sense. i have no idea what’s going on- but that’s why you have to tell me :)

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