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    Family Secrets (Ch. 3)

                    I drove my Mazda up to the gate that kept all the crazed fans out of Ashley’s yard. She lived in a huge beach house with fences that ran even down to the beach. It was almost impossible to get anywhere near her house without her permission; not that she was there that much. I pushed the button on the intercom system at the gate and waited for a few minutes until the speaker buzzed to life beside my ear.

                    “You’re not hiding Aiden in your backseat are you?” I laughed at the suspicion in Ashley’s voice.

                    “I dunno if he could fit back there with Melena.” I answered, hearing her slight chuckle as the gate started to slide open. I drove through quickly, parking the car behind one of Ashley’s Porsches. I got out and pulled Melena out of her car seat as well. Ashley met me at her front door, letting me in and immediately taking Melena out of my arms. It was apparent to everyone that Melena was Ashley’s favorite. For some reason the Rockstar was just enamored with my daughter, and I’d let her babysit her as many times as she wanted. Melena loved her as well, and never passed up the chance to spend time with her.  

                    “Spencer’s in the kitchen,” She told me, making me nod and walk in that direction. I was surprised however to find Chelsea as well, sitting at the kitchen bar that Spencer was leaning against, drinking coffee from a mug. They both smirked when they saw me, and shook their heads.

                    “Great minds think alike.” Chelsea laughed, when I sat down next to her. “Did your husband get dragged off too?” She asked me, as Spencer slid me a cup of coffee. I nodded and picked up the mug, sipping the rich hot liquid.

                    “Have you been here all night?” I asked Spencer, making her choke briefly before nodding, an odd smile on her face. Ashley came into the kitchen, Melena sitting on her shoulders and laughing joyously. Spencer watched the pair closely, her smile growing slightly. “Aiden called me at about four this morning then came and dragged Glen off about twenty minutes ago. She turned her attention back to me but didn’t say anything; her eyes just got a far off look in them as she glanced back to Ashley, who was now looking extremely uncomfortable and was looking anywhere but at the blonde.

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    1. I really love the story, but this is literally killing me… I want to know terribly badly what’s going on! Your writing is awesome, always leaving me wanting more, pleeeeease pms!!! =]

    2. you are killing me with the suspense here! and this story is so fucking addictive I can’t even begin to describe it. fantastic update, please post again soon!

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