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    Family Secrets (Ch. 4)

                    “Let’s go,” Chelsea said slowly, pulling me into the living room.

                    “What the hell is going on?” I asked keeping my voice low so that Melena wouldn’t hear, but by her wide eyes I could tell that Chelsea was just as confused as me. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her buzzing cell phone.

                    “That’s Clay. I guess it’s time to go home.” She sighed, responding to the text before shaking her head. “I’ll see you soon I’m sure.” I nodded distractedly before walking over and picking up Melena. I walked back into the kitchen to get my car keys to find Aiden standing by himself. He looked worried but put on a fake smile when he saw me.

                    “Sorry for stealing your husband today.”              

                    “Yeah well, I was worried for a while.” He laughed at my dry tone. “Where’s Spencer?”

                    “Saying bye.” He sounded bitter but I didn’t know what to say as Chelsea came in then, Art following her as she picked up Amber’s car seat. I hugged Chelsea bye and waved bye to Aiden before taking Melena outside into the LA sunshine, my head swimming with all the new information that I’d gotten in the last two hours.

                    When I got home Glen pouted his way out of trouble and effectively avoided all my questions as he played with Melena and her new toys. He was upset with me when he found out that I had gone to Ashley’s but he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to get me when he had disappeared that morning as well. Finally we just called a truce for Christmas and spent the rest of the day visiting with my family and then swinging back by the Carlin’s to see Arthur and Paula. Finally though, we were home for the night and everything was peaceful as we put Melena to bed before climbing into bed ourselves and going straight to sleep.

     On New Year’s eve we all had lunch at the Carlin’s and the Trio was there, all seeming fine. After Christmas Spencer and Aiden took a week and went to Italy, and it was a very publicized, as if the press followed their every foot step. They looked happy in the pictures, holding hands or hugging in almost every shot. I was amazed at how fast it changed from their fight in the kitchen, though I suppose that I should’ve been used to it by that point. Ashley seemed back to her normal, supporting self and on New Year’s Eve she even smiled and laughed with Aiden.

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